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Yale Cooling Conference, a Free Hybrid Event Online (Opening Plenary) and in New Haven, Connecticut, February 20, 3-6pm ET
Event Description
The Carbon Containment Lab is convening a high-impact group of industry experts, advocacy organizations, policymakers, and academic researchers at The Yale School of Management to work together on advancing the scale-up and speed of implementation of lifecycle refrigerant management (LRM) practices.
Why is this so important? Refrigerant gases are hundreds to thousands of times more potent than CO2 on a ton-for-ton basis if they leak or are released at equipment end-of-life. In the US, the collective amount of gas in existing equipment (known as the “installed refrigerant bank”) is set to double through 2050, growing to 6.9 billion tons of CO2 equivalent–a volume greater than current U.S. annual economy-wide CO2e emissions. Want to learn more?
To learn more, attend the opening plenary of the Yale Cooling Conference 2025 on Thursday, February 20. Join industry leaders, Lifecycle Refrigerant Management experts, and policymakers as they share insights on driving action to reduce super-polluting refrigerant gases. The plenary session will take place from 3-5pm, followed by a reception with light refreshments. This session is open to public, with the option to join virtually.
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