
    Is a 100% Renewable Energy Life Possible? Wednesday, April 4th, 5:30 - 8:30 pm, San Francisco, CA

  • 4 April 2018
  • Start time : 05:30 AM
  • End time : 08:30 AM
  • Event Host : Women in CleanTech & Sustainability
  • Event Location : Silicon Valley Bank, 505 Howard St, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105, United States
Renewable Energy
Event Description

Electrify Everything!

The current state of the global climate crisis demands that we find a way forward as soon as possible to curb our use of fossil fuels. The present state of technology points to electrification as the quickest and most practical path to achieve this. And fortunately, in the Bay Area, and in California, laws and regulations have already begun to provide the positive structure to more easily move to adoption of electric alternatives.

How will this all play out? The panel will discuss what this will look like and what we can do to achieve freedom from carbon-based fuels. There will be a focus, primarily, on a demand-side strategy, looking at our patterns of use and consumption and suggesting what choices we can make that will help our sustainability.

There are three main categories under consideration: the generation of electricity, our transportation systems, and space and water heating for our homes. According to CARB, for the State of California, in 2015, the transportation sector caused 39% of the State's GHG emissions. The generation of electricity was responsible for 19% of GHG emissions. Residential usage was 6% of the total. We have chosen to look at these categories because of their GHG impact, and because they are the main sources of our personal use of fossil fuels.

The sustainable solutions in these three areas are already available. In some cases, we just have to adopt what is waiting for us. In others, we need to use our voices to move current practice into the sustainable present. Finally, we may need to become early adopters of nascent technology. The future is bright, electric and ready for us now!

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Women in CleanTech & Sustainability
  • Speakers / Presenters
      Elena has been volunteering with for several years to help bring awareness and solutions to the crisis in climate and sustainability that we are facing globally. Her background is in project management, where she has worked mainly on municipal building projects, and also on private residential rebuilds. She holds a LEED AP credential and her interest in the built environment is to make projects as sustainable as possible and to promote zero-carbon energy for buildings.

      Amy Sinclair
      CleanPowerSF Partnerships at City & County of San Francisco
      With over 20 years of experience in public relations, marketing, and strategic communications, Amy Sinclair is proud to serve on the communications and public outreach team for CleanPowerSF.
      Amy coordinates the outreach and marketing strategy for CleanPowerSF, including public presentations and events, marketing materials, advertising, website, social media planning and measurement for San Francisco’s growing Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program.
      Amy has a BA from the University of California at Davis and an MBA in International Marketing from Golden Gate University. In her spare time, she travels the world and has visited almost 60 countries.

      Pierre Delforge
      Director of High-Tech Sector Energy Efficiency – Natural Resources Defense Council
      Pierre joined NRDC in 2010 after a 20-year career in the high-tech industry. At NRDC, Pierre works on policies to accelerate the clean energy transition in buildings, with a focus on energy efficiency in information technology, miscellaneous plug loads, and on the decarbonization of fossil, gas end uses, such as space and water heating.
  • Sponsors
    • Sponsor Silicon Valley Bank
  • Event type
    • Panel Discussion

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