
    NECEC 2017 Navigate Connector & Partner Summit (4/3 @ 8:30-5:30pm @ 5 Times Sq., NYC)

  • 03 Apr 2017
Event Description

Connectors and Partners of the Northeast Clean Energy Council's (NECEC) Cleantech Navigate Northeast program will convene in New York City on April 3 for the Navigate Connector & Partner Summit, their annual convening of clean technology innovation, entrepreneurship, and commercialization leaders in the Northeast.

Attendees will participate in an engaging morning session focused on planning and executing Navigate in 2017, connecting with peers, sharing best practices, and uncovering new resources to support entrepreneurs and accelerate the Northeast clean energy economy. Following the morning session, attendees will connect with corporates, utilities, customers, and policymakers at NECEC's Strategic Partner & Innovation Summit (located at the same venue).


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