
    Net Zero Building Tour, July 15

  • 15 July 2017
  • Start time : 11:00 AM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Host : Mass Climate Action
  • Event Location : The Distillery North, 516 E 2nd St, Boston, MA, 02127, United States
Net Zero Building Tour, July 15
Event Description

On Saturday, July 15th, Join us for a tour of the Distillery North, the largest Passive House in New England: a cost-competitive, 30-unit apartment building located in South Boston. This is the first phase of a three-phase project that will eventually span three buildings, 260,000 ft², and an entire city block.

Attendees will hear from former board member Fred Gordon, who will be on-site to lead the tour and presentation, explaining the methods and materials used and how the project team navigated the difficulties of large-scale development in the City of Boston.

The new 60,000 s.f. building is a Passive House, which now can often be built for no cost premium over ordinary buildings. But they are better buildings: use 90% less energy to heat and cool, are more comfortable, durable, and healthful, with much better interior air quality. Since completing this building, the architect is building two more-- a 95 unit and 40 unit affordable housing project. The building was conceived as our contribution to the effort to come to grips with the environmental crisis, and the good news is that it is performing as it was designed.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Mass Climate Action
  • Event type
    • Green Building Tour

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