
    Passive House Slam Dance, From 100 to Zero (basics to certification) in One Session, July 10, 12-1 ET

  • 10 July 2024
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Host : GreenHome Institute
Passive House Slam Dance,  From 100 to Zero in One Session
Event Description


Want more Passive House in your workflow? Let's slam! Go from 100 to Zero (basics to certification) in one session. Check out 3 project case studies and best practices across the Design / Build / Verification spectrum.

This session prepares attendees to set, achieve and certify passive houses from start to finish through strong team collaboration. Come away with an understanding of the Integration between Building Envelope + HVAC systems and how to rock the project timeline. Start with the reasons, ratings and criteria required for Passive House certification and swing into illustrated examples of Integrated Design, Specification, Air Quality Management and Monitoring. See photos of field installs, testing and field reports and feel the heart pounding rhythm of the mechanical room. Learn to plan for high efficiency HVAC equipment like heat pumps, ERVs, cooktop vent hoods, and make-up air, and even wood burning fireplaces! Attend for an illustrated tour of the beating heart of Passive House, and a lively Q+A.

Lessons Learned  1. Passive House Performance: Quickly set track and achieve healthy data-driven goals with clients and the team. 2. Understanding High-Efficiency Equipment + Appliance Specification: Determine the criteria needed for HVAC equipment, heat pumps, ventilation units, and heat recovery systems, and how energy efficiency ratings support Passive House certification. 3. Prepare for Success in the Field: Align build teams and timelines with third party rating. Prioritize safety and certification and get photos ready for social media primetime. 4. Deliver the Systems: Understand the strategies, types and sizes for different MEP systems and Air Quality Management: Explore strategies for ensuring superior indoor air quality and health, minimizing energy consumption and monitoring for smart operations and overall building and occupant welfare.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • GreenHome Institute
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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