
    Heating Electrification Workshop, Presented by NEEP, October 25-26, New Haven, CT

  • 25 October 2023 To 26 October 2023
  • Event Host : Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)
  • Event Location : Hotel Marcel, 500 Sargent Drive, New Haven, CT, United States
Heating Electrification Workshop, NEEP, 2023
Event Description

Heating electrification is at a pivotal moment marked by historic tailwinds. With mature technologies at hand, it's time for the market to address non-technical barriers like installer training and consumer awareness to support scaled up deployment. Join NEEP at HEW2023, to explore strategies for electrifying heating, cooling, and water heating that leverage new investments and new technologies. The community will dig into topics including contractor insights, designing and implementing heat pump programs for underserved customers, and new heat pump categories that provide additional solutions to various sectors.

This year NEEP is kicking off HEW2023 at the amazing Passive House Hotel Marcel with a Day Zero Welcome Reception followed by an optional networking opportunity to dine-out at local, New Haven restaurants with small groups of conference attendees including NEEP staffers. Day One workshop sessions will explore topics important to navigating this evolving market including technology advancements, contractor barriers and opportunities, and equitable policies and programs.


#HEW2023: All Systems Go

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)
  • Event type
    • Conference

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