
    TiE Boston Deep Dive: Carbon Capture Use & Storage, Monday December 5, 6-9 pm, Cambridge

  • 05 Dec 2016
TiE Boston Deep Dive: Carbon Capture Use & Storage, Monday December 5, 6-9 pm, Cambridge
Event Description

TiE Boston Deep Dive: Carbon Capture Use & Storage

Monday, December 05, 2016 - 6 - 9 pm

35 Ames St Building 66, Room 110
Cambridge , MA 02142
See map: Google Maps

Learn about the current energy storage climate at MIT. CCUS addresses a major weakness of fossil fuels by reducing their carbon dioxide emissions to near zero.

Phil Duffy will present the case for why it is important to pay attention to carbon dioxide reduction in the atmosphere through forestry and other means. Leading MIT researcher, Howard Hezrog will follow the presentation with a discussion of his research on carbon sequestration.
While there is a large focus on reducing GHG emissions, there is also discussion about managing actual GHG levels in the atmosphere.

About TiE-Boston: TiE-Boston has been supporting entrepreneurs by offering education, mentorship, networking, and funding opportunities since 1997. What makes TiE unique is that the organization connects entrepreneurs with each other and other stakeholders in the ecosystem, including seasoned serial entrepreneurs, angel investors, venture capitalists, service providers, and early customers. TiE-Boston is a chapter of TiE-Global, the largest global not-for-profit organization fostering entrepreneurship. TiE-Boston members leverage the global network of members from 61 chapters in 18 countries. TiE has 12,000 members throughout the world, and has contributed over $250B in wealth creation.

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