
    Transforming Lives Through Design: Institute, Wednesday, May 6th, 12:00-2:00pm

  • 06 May 2015
Event Description

Recycling Lives Through Design
Wednesday, May 6th, 12:00-2:00pm
Institute for Human Centered Design
200 Portland Street, Boston MA

After Charlie Croteau broke his neck at the age of 20, he went on to found the Center for Living and Working in Worcester in order to help make a positive impact for those with physical disabilities. This included job training, personal care, housing, transportation, and transitional programs.

Join us for Mr. Croteau's discussion on how human lives can be transformed by design. Learn how a person with a traumatic injury can become a functional person adding to the fabric of society. These changes can be made on many levels whether physical, mental, or spiritual.

When: Wednesday May 6, 2015, 12pm - 2pm
Where: 200 Portland Street, Boston MA 02114

To RSVP please contact Willa Crolius at or call 617-259-1655. This event is FREE and open to the public, a light lunch will be served.

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