
    Webinar - Being Green, Made Easier! LID and GI Monitoring, Maintenance & Tracking, March 13

  • 12 March 2018
  • Start time : 06:28 PM
  • End time : 06:28 PM
  • Event Host : Forester University
Event Description

Enhance the effectiveness and capacity of your Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) systems!

Join Daniel Apt, president of Olaunu and experienced LID professional, for a live and on-demand webinar exploring LID/GI monitoring, inspection, tracking, and maintenance best practices in order to estimate long-term costs, optimize system effectiveness, and simplify watershed planning.

They’ll kick off this webinar by defining LID and GI and exploring why these largely living systems are popping up everywhere and continue to be the focus of stormwater permits. Then jump into the various aspects and elements of monitoring as well as the purposes of implementing different types of monitoring programs. Within this discussion, you'l learn how to implement a standardized LID/ GI monitoring protocol for water quality monitoring. Then move onto LID/GI inspections, which are performed at three different stages of LID/GI implementation and are critical to proper functioning of LID and GI measures. In particular, we’ll learn how and when to conduct an inspection in order to assess the condition of LID and GI measures and identify if maintenance is needed.

Next, there will be a discussion LID/GI tracking and how effective tracking assists with operation and maintenance planning, inspections, and watershed planning (e.g. identifying drainage areas, retention, etc.). Then explore LID/GI maintenance best practices critical to maintaining the performance and capacity of these systems. Finally, close the loop by discussing how tracking of maintenance data can help you not only evaluate the long-term costs of LID and GI systems; but when coupled with the tracking of water quality monitoring results, it can also help you understand the effectiveness of these systems and your maintenance protocols.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Forester University
  • Agenda
    • Understand the different water quality monitoring elements and considerations for LID and GI systems.
      Identify the different types of LID and GI inspections, the data collected, and how to conduct inspections to ensure system performance.
      Understand the importance of tracking LID and GI systems for effective maintenance, inspection, and watershed planning.
      Examine elements of effective maintenance to optimize LID and GI performance and capacity.
      Determine the critical maintenance data to track in order to understand LID and GI effectiveness and costs.
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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