
    Webinar: Smart Energy Homes and Buildings 2020, August 27, 1 pm EDT

  • 27 August 2020
  • Start time : 01:00 PM
  • End time : 12:00 AM
  • Event Host : Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP)
Event Description

As the New England region moves towards modernizing our grids to meet the electric demands of the 21st century, it is critical that our homes and buildings also evolve and respond to the modern grid by becoming smarter, more efficient, flexible and adaptable. Smart Energy Homes and Buildings 2020 will take a look at the technologies, policies, and regional coordination necessary to accelerate the realization of smart energy homes and buildings across the region. We will map out current and future opportunities that will get us there. Key stakeholders include federal program representatives, energy efficiency program administrators, implementation experts, research and development professionals, manufacturers, and facility managers.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP)
  • Agenda
    • Session 1 - The Current State of Smart Energy Homes and Buildings
      Opening Remarks and Welcome

      Giselle Procaccianti, Technology and Market Solutions Manager, NEEP
      The Vision - Integrating smart energy homes and buildings with a modernized grid

      What are smart energy homes and buildings? How do they tie into U.S. DOE's vision of grid interactive efficient buildings (GEBs)?

      Monica Neukomm, Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. DOE
      Current state of the smart grid

      Current state of smart energy homes and buildings

      What policies, technologies, and programs currently support smart energy homes and buildings?

      Clay Nesler, VP, Global Energy and Sustainability, Johnson Controls
      Chris Ashley, VP, Utility Sales, Energy Hub
      Moderator: Michael Li, Energy Bureau Chief, Connecticut DEEP

      Session 2 - Advancing Smart Energy Homes and Buildings in the Northeast
      Opening remarks and Welcome

      Giselle Procaccianti, Technology and Market Solutions Manager, NEEP
      Smart Energy Buildings Case Study: A building owner's journey and lessons learned

      Jeff Hendler, CEO, Logical Buildings

      Current best practices for driving accelerated adoption of smart energy homes and buildings

      Kurt Roth, Director, Building Energy Systems, Fraunhofer

      Regional collaboration to advance smart energy homes and buildings

      Kurt Roth, Director, Building Energy Systems, Fraunhofer

      Scott Taylor, VP Business Development, Sense
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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