Top Regional Organizations and Resources
Links - Top Regional Organizations and Resources
Build It Green
Build It Green is a professional non-profit organization whose mission is to promote healthy, energy and resource-efficient buildings in California. Build It Green encourages collaboration with key stakeholder groups to accelerate the adoption of green building practices, policies, and programs.
Florida Green Building Coalition
The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) is a nonprofit Florida Corporation dedicated to improving the built environment. Its mission is "to provide a statewide Green Building program with environmental and economic benefits."
Green Decade
The Green Decade Coalition/Newton is a grassroots volunteer environmental non-profit organization. The group represents households, businesses, schools and institutions in Newton, MA and elsewhere with goals of implementing measurable improvements in the way we use resources.
Green Home NYC
GreenHomeNYC`s mission is to facilitate the adoption of sustainable building methods and materials by owners of small residential and commercial buildings in New York City. GreenHomeNYC aims to be a hub of resources for small building owners, to promote the understanding of green building issues, and to connect building owners with local green building service and materials providers.
Green Homes Northeast
Green Homes Northeast (GHNE) is a collaborative program whose mission is to transform the residential building marketplace so that healthy, energy and resource-efficient homes become common practice.
GreenHOME's mission is to demonstrate and promote affordable, sustainable design, construction, and landscape practices for homes and communities throughout the Washington, DC area.
The Green Building Alliance
The Green Building Alliance is a non-profit organization that integrates environmentally responsible--and high performance--design, construction and operating practices into the Greater Pittsburgh market. As a result, GBA enhances the human health, economic, environmental, and social value of new and existing development.
The Green Round Table
The Green Roundtable, Inc. (GRT) is an independent non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and support healthy, efficient and sustaining development and building projects through strategic outreach, education, policy advocacy and technical assistance. The NEXUS green building resource center is in Boston, MA.
The Northwest Environmental Business Council
NEBC is a regional trade association representing environmental technology and service firms in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska since 1996. NEBC is recognized as the most comprehensive representative of the Pacific Northwest environmental industry by state and federal regulators.
The Wisconsin Green Building Alliance
The Wisconsin Green Building Alliance`s (WGBA) mission is to facilitate and promote the development and use of ecologically sustainable materials and practices within Wisconsin`s Built environment. Wisconsin Green Building Alliance provides a variety of resources, including: an annual green building conference, educational forums and site visits to green demonstration projects, a quarterly newsletter and an annual assessment survey to keep abreast of the needs of the industry.