Company News
Rate It Green's Open Green Building Calendar
We're excited to announce the launch of Rate It Green's open Green Building Calendar. More than the tool itself and the events we can now host and promote, this calendar represents the idea of expanding collaboration. As a platform, Rate It Green of course facilitates online connecting and discussion. But we all know that when we can get together in person, we can also learn and collaborate in tremendous ways.
What's so exciting about a Calendar? Lots! For one thing, the calendar will accept events in ANY location, and for any green building topic. Next, YOU can all add events. Are we missing an event you know of? Great - post away! Is an event local to you? If we have a group for that area, the event can also be presented in the group with events most in the future at the top. If we don't have a group for your area, that's easy - let's create one!
Where do we go from here? Like everything about our participatory platform, this calendar and resource will ultimately be what you make it - and what you direct us to make it be for you. We'd like to help you find relevant events locally and nationally, and we'd love to enable organizations to help each other with attendance and collaborating on relevant expertise. Who do you want to work with? What events are they hosting? How can you help each other?
I look forward to hearing from you, and to learning about all the events we don't yet know about! How can we best help YOU collaborate?
Visit Rate It Green's Green Building Calendar:
Read out April News:
Allison Friedman
Founder, Rate It Green