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Cel-Pak Cellulose Insulation
Cel-Pak Cellulose Insulation
Brand Name: Cel-Pak
Categories: Cellulose Insulation Cellulose Insulation - Hide
50 Depot Street
United States
product information
Description: National Fiber's Cel-Pak is a high quality, all borate, loose fill cellulose insulation for blowing caps in attics and dense packing in walls and ceiling cavities either for retrofit or new construction. The borate infused cellulose offers exceptional thermal properties that is 40 times better than fiberglass.
National Fiber
Address: 50 Depot Street, Belchertown, MA 01007, United States Website: Summary
Average Overall Rating
Out of 10
7 review(s)

Certifications/ Awards
- EA Prerequisite 2 - Minimum Energy Performance
- EA Credit 1 - Optimize Energy Performance
- MR Credit 4 - Recycled Content
Overall Rating
3 vote(s)
We are a Home Performance contractor that installs cellulose as one of our "tools" to increase the energy efficiency of a home. I like working with the Cel-Pak. It is a very clean and consistent product and I don't have to worry about it being caustic like those cellulose products that contain ammonium sulphate. view more + We are a Home Performance contractor that installs cellulose as one of our "tools" to increase the energy efficiency of a home. I like working with the Cel-Pak. It is a very clean and consistent product and I don't have to worry about it being caustic like those cellulose products that contain ammonium sulphate. I also feel good using it because it has just about the least environmental impact of any insulation. If we spill some on the ground, the rain will soon wash out the borate and then it can quickly compost, unlike other insulations that will stay around for a long long time. Tech support from National Fiber has been outstanding. view less -
Rated by Building Performance Services LLC // Company Rep [04/01/2010]
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Overall Rating
1 vote(s)
This is one of the only companies that I have worked with in the last 30 plus years that actually cares about its customers-contractors. They help our company in any way they can. They are always there with answers and ideas. Meetings to help increase business. Training, tools and equipment and parts. I am overwhelmed by they way they think. view more + This is one of the only companies that I have worked with in the last 30 plus years that actually cares about its customers-contractors. They help our company in any way they can. They are always there with answers and ideas. Meetings to help increase business. Training, tools and equipment and parts. I am overwhelmed by they way they think. They take care of their customers the way I do. view less -
Rated by Dolphin Insulation [03/30/2010]
Detailed Ratings

Additional Comments
Raw materials: Its the best product on the market
Raw materials: They train us how to install it and how it is manufactured so we can explain it to our customers
Installation/Application: 8 hours of training with constant feedback via phone or e-mail
Quality/Durability: Customers love us because of the cellulose. We have homeowners turning their thermostat from 75 degrees down to 65 degrees to maintain 70 degrees of temperature
Toxicity: It doesn't bother us at all
Corporate Policies: the corporate policies as I have written are far above all companies I have dealt with in this industry and other industries.
First Costs/Price: Price is right where it should be
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Overall Rating
1 vote(s)
Our remodeling and energy retrofit company has used Cel-Pak cellulose from national Fiber on several projects. We have applied it as loose fill attic blanket and subcontracted for it to be blown in to cavities. I value the product for its resource virtues as it is made from a recycled product . view more + Our remodeling and energy retrofit company has used Cel-Pak cellulose from national Fiber on several projects. We have applied it as loose fill attic blanket and subcontracted for it to be blown in to cavities. I value the product for its resource virtues as it is made from a recycled product . It has less embodied energy than some other insulations and this includes the advantage that it is made locally so transportation is not a major factor. One doubt I have concerns the rate of application guidelines provided with the product. I have found that coverage calculations have not provided accurate quantities so that we have had to make additional purchases of material to achieve specified depth in loose fill application. This should be considered only a preliminary caution because we have not followed up with controlled testing to verify the discrepancy. view less -
Rated by Green Home Carpentry & Design // Sustainable Remodeling Professional [01/30/2010]
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Overall Rating
2 vote(s)
Cel-Pak is an outstanding product. Among the things I love about this product : It has an 82% recycled content, it is produced in New England (specifically Massachusetts), and it offers an excellent barrier to air infiltration. It also does a terrific job in noise reduction. view more + Cel-Pak is an outstanding product. Among the things I love about this product : It has an 82% recycled content, it is produced in New England (specifically Massachusetts), and it offers an excellent barrier to air infiltration. It also does a terrific job in noise reduction. My research says that Cel-Pak is not only a great insulation, but cleaner and more eco-friendly than other cellulose insulations. It is also an 'all borate' formulation (in terms of fire resistance). When I insulated my attic, I didn't want to add any products that contained ammonia based fire retardants, and Cel-Pak, unlike a lot of competing cellulose products, doesn't. Great product! view less -
Rated by GreenConsultant [12/18/2009]
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Additional Comments
Raw materials: Not only is it fiberized newspaper, but national Fiber goes to great lengths to use the cleanest paper available.
Toxicity: Everything I've researched says virtually none. The product is fiberized over issue newspaper and borates, and borates have extremely low toxicity.
Resource Recovery: The installers did a great job recovering unused cellulose back to the truck.
First Costs/Price: More expensive certainly, than fiberglass, but the superior performance quickly offsets that cost. Less expensive than many sprayed foams, which I wouldn't consider because I don't want them in my home.
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Overall Rating
2 vote(s)
I just had this put into my house a few months ago and i never knew such a green product existed. I am told it has been around since the 1920s. My bills are half of what they used to be and the house is very quiet. I recommend this to everyone.
Rated by Vick [06/18/2009]
Detailed Ratings

Additional Comments
Raw materials: It's paper and Borates -simple and safe
Quality/Durability: This will last forever
Toxicity: Completely safe
First Costs/Price: It was not as high as I thought - about 2.25 per sq ft, but I will make it up in energy savings in about 2 years
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Overall Rating
1 vote(s)
Was this rating helpful? Yes
Overall Rating
1 vote(s)
After having my local contractor install national Fiber's Cel-Pak, my A/C unit only cycles 2 times a day. My utility bill is almost half of what it used to be. The money I will save will pay for the job in about 2 years
Rated by sparks [06/18/2009]
Detailed Ratings

Additional Comments
Raw materials: My contractor loves using this product and I see why.
Raw materials: It was clean and I have no worries about what they put in my walls.
Quality/Durability: After doing much research, this is the best product available.
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Overall avg. out of 7 reviews
Additional Comments
Raw materials: Very consistant gray color, with very rare fleck of color from inserts, and no staples, etc.
Installation/Application: You do have to wear a dust mask and gloves. It will suck the moisture out of your hands.
Quality/Durability: I have spoken with other installers that have had a chance to open a wall that they had insulated years before, and the cellulose was still good.
Toxicity: The only addative is borate, which is considered quite benign.
Resource Recovery: Once the rain washes away the borate, it will quickly compost