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LG Clothes Washers
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LG Clothes Washers
Brand Name: LG Clothes Washers
Categories: - Hide
1000 Sylvan Ave.
Englewood Cliffs
New Jersey
United States
product information
Description: LG Appliances offers 23 models qualifying for GreenSpec as of March 2007—among them the most efficient clothes washers to date, exceeding federal standards by up to 97%. (Siemens and Whirlpool have a couple slightly more efficient models.) offer The most
LG Appliances
Address: 1000 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, United States Website: http://www.lgappliances.comCertifications/ Awards

Allergy Standards Certifies LG Appliances
Dr, McKeon reminds us that even if a home has been designed and constructed as a healthy home, we need to think about how we live in that home and the levels of allergens and pollutants that can build up over time. Many people do not realize that the products we bring into our homes and how we use them, in addition to our other activities, can greatly affect Indoor Air Quality.
Allergy Standards Ltd. scientifically identifies, tests, and certifies products that help optimize the indoor environment for health and wellness, with a focus on identifying products that reduce or eliminate pollutants and allergens. A signifcant percentage of allergy and asthma sufferers struggle to select products for their home. The Allergy Standards certification helps these people make better buying decisions for their health and comfort.
Dr. John McKeon, President of Allergy Standards, spoke with Matt Hoots from the LG booth at the International Builders Show. An early client of Allergy Standards, LG offers a number of certified products which contribute to a healthy home environment. Some examples:
Allergy Standards partnered with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) to develop the asthma & allergy friendly Certification Program. Products that meet the organization’s strict standards then earn the asthma & allergy friendly certification mark.
By samanthaklein // 0 replies // Last updated: 04/23/2022 |