Green Building Community

USGBC-LA's latest blog post: Snapshots on Sustainability

StacySinclair CA, United States 0 Ratings 10 Discussions 10 Group posts

Posted by: StacySinclair // Technical writer

This week the topic is resilience. I hope you will check it out:

Allison Friedman Weston, MA, united-states 0 Ratings 104 Discussions 131 Group posts

Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin


"Before we have to respond to an event that occurs, what about planning for a probable future? We can fight our inclination to hold off and do nothing, to wait for direction or regulation. We know the stressors and shocks that we are likely to encounter and we can put preventative measures in place at a system level."

What bothers me about resilience is indeed that it's what comes after. I want us to prepare much better before, and then the after effects will be what we couldn't have reasonably predicted. We know climate change is real, and we know we're going the face effects. Let's do the most now to minimize the consequences later.

I agree we need to envision a community and work to grow it - thanks for sharing and helping us to to do that here.

Also, the Building Reslience LA Facilities Primer looks like a great resource - I'd like to share that link here, but also maybe you can introduce it sometime in a separate post?



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