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Allison Friedman

Rate It Green Admin Boston - Metrowest MA United States Member Since: 01/11/2006
My Activities
- 104 Discussions
- 131 Group Posts
- 24 Replies
- 14 Articles
- 0 Ratings
- Comments
About Me
Professional Information
Position: Founder
Company: Rate It Green, LLC
Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy, Environmental - and Green Building - Uncertainty
Anyone who tells you they know for sure what will happen with the IRA, or Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or IIJA, or the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, and a host of related clean energy, energy efficiency, health and environmental and infrastructure-related funding, has a crystal ball, or they’re just incorrect. Regardless of someone’s personal politics, this is and will clearly rem...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/04/2025 + Show |
HVAC Energy Efficiency Upgrade - Before and After
I am excited to report that we’ve made significant progress on our HVAC upgrade project! A while back, I shared an article when I first fully realized how it’s important to have a plan for major home equipment replacement , largely because these decisions have significant potential impact and we don’t make them very often. In addition to higher up front costs, a rushed or suboptimal decision can be particularly cos...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/04/2025 + Show |
What is the Future of Gas Cooking?
I n mid-January 2023, there was what seemed like a surprise announcement one day acknowledging the dangers of gas stoves and announcing possible regulatory action, and then this whole story seemed to be taken back and almost completely disappeared from the news the next. If you weren’t paying attention to the news in that 24-hour period, you might even have missed it. For people who are knowledgeable about indoor air qual...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/04/2025 + Show |
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) 101 - An Introduction, and Starting a Wider Conversation
It’s a fairly well known generalization in the building industry and beyond that we spend up to 90% of our time indoors, so it seems that most people would agree easily enough that the quality of indoor air matters. In fact, and according to the EPA, indoor air pollutant levels are 2-5 times higher than outdoor levels and can even exceed outdoor pollutant levels by up to 100 times. However, most building occ...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 11/14/2023 + Show |
I had given some thought to the significant, known challenge we face in decarbonizing homes to meet climate carbon reduction goals, and in particular that it’s going to be daunting to retrofit millions of existing homes, both to make sure companies are eager and available to do this work and to inspire or require homeowners to make the necessary changes for new and existing buildings. Many in the sustainable building world have...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/04/2025 + Show |
What Will Offices Look and Feel Like Going Forward? Top Considerations, Strategies, and Challenges
“The world of work will never be the same again….In a post COVID-19 world, work not only has to be safe, it has to be “clean and assured.” - Larry Pearlman, Marsh Risk Consulting “ The science is decades old on all the benefits that come from healthy buildings, including infectious disease reduction…But these strategies have not been fully deployed in buildings.” -Joseph...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/06/2023 + Show |
Protecting Workers on the JobSite - Emerging Ideas on Communication, Safety Procedures & PPE
"Pipes break, HVAC equipment fails, service will have to be done during this crisis.” This is how Bob Krell of HealthyIndoors.com started his regular afternoon show on a Thursday in late April, just as the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 impact were beginning to become clear. Indeed, I had been wondering how long we might hope for good luck in terms of nothing breaking or needing critical service during this time of ...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/06/2023 + Show |
Greenbuild 2019 - Looking to the Future (Sustainable and Successful, for Everyone)
It is a fun and fairly common experience at Greenbuild to find mid conversation that you already know the person you’re speaking to from an email exchange, a social media connection, or in my case that they’re already a member of our online green building network! One of my favorite moments this year was when someone stopped me on the trade show floor and thanked me for promoting an event for an organization she interned for...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/10/2023 + Show |
RGGI - Acadia Center's 10 Year Review (Reduced Emissions and Economic Growth Go Hand in Hand)
The Acadia Center has released a review of the first ten years of operation of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI (pronounced “Reggie”), and the results are exceedingly positive and show that a clean energy economy really can have it all. The analysis concludes that CO2 emissions from power plants in the RGGI states fell 90% faster during this time period than in the rest of country, while economic growth in the ...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 03/11/2023 + Show |
Greenbuild 2018 - Report Out, and Top 10
The participating companies and attendees at Greenbuild 2018 seemed to have a wider, more open outlook about our work as an industry than I have perceived at times. We talk about collaboration and even harmonization, but who's going to take that risk and share their inspirations and even some secret sauce? Who really believes that a rising tide can lift all boats to the point where they will share some of t...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 11/27/2018 + Show |
Urban Green Council Emerging Professionals
Awesome, and welcome Ic! Please feel welcome to post this same also in the NY Green Building Group! … Awesome, and welcome Ic! Please feel welcome to post this same also in the NY Green Building Group! (Group posts have to belong to one group technically, but this post seems worthy of two!
Reply given on: 05/19/2023
#GreenInfluncerATL group members connect at #IBS2022 in Orlando
Hey #GreenInfluencerATL Members - Here's a post we wrote up on "Filtration and Airflow in Whole Hous… Hey #GreenInfluencerATL Members - Here's a post we wrote up on "Filtration and Airflow in Whole House HVAC Systems: Filter Cabinets and MERV Options" that includes these videos plus the one Matt recorded with Chris Howells at IBS. I have appreciated this recent great filtration content! https://www.rateitgreen.com/green-building-community/discussions/products/filtration-and-airflow-in-whole-house-hvac-systems-filter-cabinets-and-merv-options/5906
Reply given on: 06/16/2022
NOT COMPLICATED - JUST GREEN, podcast of common sense for better construction
I really enjoyed this conversation, thanks James and Matt. I think it lived up to its name of n… I really enjoyed this conversation, thanks James and Matt. I think it lived up to its name of not being complicated and was super approachable. I’d recommend giving a listen, but just in case it can help to give some highlights, here’s some of what was discussed: -Why not just build cheaper buildings? Goodness we could go on forever about that. Liability was one point, but also taking short cuts or just not building better leads to higher costs, upset clients and maybe even health impacts down the road. As Matt points out, selfishly, sustainability saves money! -What items are the longer term decisions people should be thinking about? I enjoyed Matt’s point about having a Bentley in the driveway but a Yugo in the mechanical room. We spend a lot on our homes - which is a good reason to get it right. And, cheaper systems can be more to install, and might have more maintenance costs or need to be replaced sooner... -How can we think about possible impacts? A key answer is really that if we do everything right, it all adds up. Matt makes a great point that we don’t often do our math right. If something costs 20% more but will last 5x as long, or we focus on aesthetics and install an exterior surface that the sun and rain will destroy, we’re not making cost effective decisions. We need to talk and teach more about operating and long term costs in the structure of costs. We need ot figure out people’s pain points, whether it’s comfort, health issues, costs, and then we can educate and introduce options that will work for occupants and overall. -What are builder’s pain points? This is a super interesting question. Matt believes if we provide solutions and don’t just point out problems, and if we educate clients, people will make better decisions. -Can the game be stepped up even higher? Well, yes. We’re going to see more energy efficiency, more electrification, and more power creation at the source. Why not become more efficient and save, AND make it clean? -Where can you learn from Matt? Well, on Sawhorse, Inc’s site of course, on Sawhorse’s YT channel, and here on Rate It Green! Matt also talks about the WHY of creating content - it’s helpful in onboarding and educating clients, and also helping others to do the same. Once we know more, and as we learn, he really believes it’s our obligation to share. That’s one of the reasons he’s a founding member of the #GreenInfluencerATL group… -Should people get educated? Heck yes. -What are calls to action, if people want to create a movement? I appreciate Matt’s thought here to “Be the resource for your friends.” I am repeating that one below with more thoughts, but Matt brings up continued education for professionals as well as for consumers. We need a plan for when things break, so we’re ready to install good solutions, and not just what’s cheapest or easiest. These are long-term decisions! Overheard in this podcast: “Go Green, Go Naked!” I’ll let you go find that one in the podcast. :) “Be the resource for your friends.” Once we educate more people, each person can in turn get more people excited about these core concepts. James brings up the idea of what people can do if they want to create a movement. That’s what this group is all here for, to share what we’re learning, and to ask each other and others our questions. !! Thanks again, James and Matt! To see all of James’ podcasts: https://notcomplicatedjustgreen.buzzsprout.com/1987668
Reply given on: 06/08/2022
#GreenInfluncerATL group members connect at #IBS2022 in Orlando
Here's the link to Corbett's presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgcqgYMg79A&t=0s I … Here's the link to Corbett's presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgcqgYMg79A&t=0s I took some notes and will post on it separately, but if all everyone learns are the 3 key considerations about air management, we will be in a better place: Air has to be something we’re all thinking more about, not just those who already know more, because there's just too much work to be done for everyone to live in a healthier, more sustainable space. 1. Don’t bring bad stuff in - as a professional or occupant! 2. Ventilate 3. Keep it dry Among so many other key thoughts, I appreciated Corbett mentioning that it's important to ventilate during construction, so you don't allow mold to grow and then have people move in. That happened to us, and it was very expensive to repair.
Reply given on: 06/08/2022
Can heat pump water heaters extend the life of your EV?
This is great information, thanks. I am for all the bonuses we can get as we work to improve energy… This is great information, thanks. I am for all the bonuses we can get as we work to improve energy efficiency and air quality in our homes and oher buildings!
Reply given on: 10/11/2021
Summer Electricity Demand – “Shave the Peak” to Save Money and Help the Environment!
It would be great if people could report in on what other states are doing as well. Thanks for this… It would be great if people could report in on what other states are doing as well. Thanks for this AbbieKnight - I just signed up, and it was super easy. You fill in your email and specify how often you want updates - and that's it! According to the Green Energy Consumers Alliance blog, the 40% of use you're reporting above is consumed during the 10% of hours that have the highest demand - ouch. I can certainly change some of my patterns to help, whether it's earlier or later.
Reply given on: 07/23/2019
Monocrystalline Solar Cells | What are they?
Thanks for this introduction. I have been wondering what we can do to limit the environmental impac… Thanks for this introduction. I have been wondering what we can do to limit the environmental impacts of solar panels. Of course it's more sustainable to produce energy through solar panels than to burn fossil fuels, but what can we do to reduce the materials, chemicals, water and energy consumed in the production and use of solar panels? What can we do to make sure they are also as durable as possible, and to reduce any end of life impacts?
Reply given on: 12/04/2017
Stewardship Mapping - find out what services are available in your community
What a fascinating concept of mapping stewardship - maybe we can apply this specifically to green bu… What a fascinating concept of mapping stewardship - maybe we can apply this specifically to green building. I feel that in recent years there has been a realization that none of us can "do this" alone. I see more partnerships and more collaborative opportunities. This link can take people directly to this blog post: http://usgbc-la.org/blog/environmentalism-isnt-what-you-think/
Reply given on: 06/06/2017
There's the business case - and the human case. Both make it clear: we can't wait. So much needs … There's the business case - and the human case. Both make it clear: we can't wait. So much needs to happen that it's daunting. But so much also is. I look forward to working with you to promote activity at every level that IS working already, and then also to to encourage, inspire and facilitate people to learn, engage with each other and collaborate, and to act. I struggle with how to get information where it's needed - and for this, I know we also need more people sharing what they know, and what they wish to know. One small example - I keep reading excited little blurbs of communities boting to go 100% renewable, and sometimes there's a count - like city #24 in the US! Great - I can't even find a master list to share with people. So even when there is good information, how do we find it and make it accessible. And your point is an excellent one about needing to think about sustainably more widely. While green building has been my focus, with encouraging products and services in mind, sustainability only works if there is health involved, and social justice as well. A community isn't truly sustainable if only some people benefit, to be sure.
Reply given on: 05/03/2017
I am so in on using data for good! I know data can be manipulated, but if we're sincere, we can do … I am so in on using data for good! I know data can be manipulated, but if we're sincere, we can do so much. I so agree with you: "When light is shined on a complicated, wicked problem, we want to solve it. How do we solve this through green buildings?" "The key is to find solutions that win for everyone, not just for one group." How do we fond these win-wins together, as a community, and at a time when our politics are so "anxious" and somehow we can't agree that the environment generally and climate change are top concerns? And, when we need to solve our challenges in socially just ways?
Reply given on: 05/02/2017
Key Reasons for Green Building Optimism in 2025, and Beyond
It’s understandable to be concerned about the future of green building if you expected more from 2024 and are looking to 2025 with some concern. While I share these worries, I’d like to share some reasons to remain optimistic and positive about building more sustainably in 2025 and beyond. Personally, I am...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 12/28/2024 + Show |
Strategies for Encouraging Continued Green Building Materials Demand and Supply Growth
I recently had a sober conversation with a colleague where we agreed we should be further along in quite a few ways than we are in terms of green building. I imagine many people in our wider circle won’t find that view surprising. I do of course hear positive news, especially at the leading edge of sustainable building and design, and...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 09/21/2024 + Show |
VRF Heat Pump Installation - In Progress!!
Hi everyone - I've mentioned in our newsletters about how we are going to be intalling VRF heat pumps in the future, and.... the future is here! I look forward to sharing more information as we finish the project and also as I collect performance data in the future, but for now I can share some early photos and also...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 04/30/2024 + Show |
Remote Hood Exhaust Fan Retrofit Delivers Significant Noise Reduction
Sometimes, a smaller targeted project can be the best project! I am excited to report that we just completed a retrofit to install a remote hood fan for our kitchen exhaust hood, and it instantly made such a big difference. We reduced the noise of our hood fan significantly, by twenty decibels, and everyone in the family is already more...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin 1 reply Last updated: 03/23/2024 + Show |
Finding Paths Forward: Ideas for When We Disagree in the Green Building Industry
It was energizing to receive quite a few positive responses to Rate It Green’s New Year’s email. Some people were appreciative of our efforts to bring the green building community together, and there was also some awesome general well wishing and support, especially since we mentioned we are about to embark on a complete redesign...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 01/28/2024 + Show |
Online Course: How to Sell the Value of Green Homes and Features Instructor: Marla Esser Cloos, also known as the Green Home Coach *This course is available in two formats, live or on demand "How to Sell the Value of Green Homes and Features" provides a great introduction to the major aspects...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 11/01/2022 + Show |
See Corbett Lunsford geek out during the #GreenInfluencerATL Mitsubishi tour, and you might be jealous. His first stop? The 3D i-SEE sensor, an 8-element infrared-ray sensor “camera” which is part of their FH HVAC equipment series and can “sweep the room,” aiming conditioned air towards or away from...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 06/02/2022 + Show |
Mini Split Compressor Placement in Cold Climates (Think about Snow and Other Conditions)
It’s important to think about mini split condenser location in cold climates where it’s likely to snow, or really where anything will affect the proper functioning and longevity/durability of the unit. I hope by sharing, someone else can learn from what I do see as a mistake I plan to fix. I’d rather you make a change...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin 4 replies Last updated: 02/03/2022 + Show |
What Makes Great (Green Building) Content?
I have had some super conversations recently with people who want to write real, meaningful content to represent their green building company, product or service. One thing to note is that we’re always talking about how to partner and collaborate and get the news or word out. We are not ever talking about actual selling....
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 01/23/2021 + Show |
Webinar: Basic Building Science: Moisture Management (Recorded: Content Available 24/7)
Recorded Webinar: Basic Building Science: Moisture Management Recorded: May 20, 2020 Speakers: Mike Barcik and Joey Starr Cost: $15 Southface experts Mike Barcik and Joey Starr present fundamentals of moisture flow within a house. Topics include an overview of the science behind moisture flow, best practices for managing bulk...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Last updated: 12/11/2020 + Show |
Building Innovation Summit, April 30, Fresno, California
The 2025 Building Innovations Summit brings together leaders and professionals who wanting to build better buildings with better materials. Join USGBC Central California for inspiring keynotes, roundtable discussions on ZNE and low carbon building materials, networking,and a green products and services EXPO.
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 04/30/2025 |
Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit, April 30 - May 2, Washington, DC
The U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit will be April 30 - May 2, 2025 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. The Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit includes engaging and interactive sessions, as well as opportunities to network with your fellow industry peers and experts. Tracks...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 04/30/2025 + Show |
How is cork shaping the future of healthy materials? Cork is a remarkable material—lightweight, durable, regenerative and recyclable. Harvested from the bark of the Quercus suber oak tree without harming the tree itself, cork is naturally fire-resistant, water-resistant, and has anti-fungal qualities, eliminating the need for...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 04/28/2025 + Show |
Free Online PG&E Course: Electric Heat Pumps for Water Heating, April 2, 12-3pm PT
As the electricity supply becomes cleaner due to an increased use of renewables for generation, along with a growing number of local ordinances prohibiting gas installs in new homes, electricity becomes an attractive fuel source to designers and builders interested in reducing residential greenhouse gas emissions and creating zero carbon...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 04/02/2025 + Show |
Free Webinar: Introduction to All-Weather Window Heat Pumps, April 2, 12-1 pm ET
One-way window ACs have been around for a long time, but now, new two-way window AC technology is available to heat and cool through all heat and cold waves. Let's discuss how this new technology helps advance electrification and brings heat pumps to more challenging-to-reach places, such as multifamily renovations, rentals, DIY friendlier,...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 04/02/2025 + Show |
Free Webinar: How to get the Inflation Reduction Act 179D $5/SqF Deduction, March 26, 12-1 pm ET
The 179D Tax Deduction is a great way to help fund multifamily and commercial renovations and new construction projects by giving up to $5 per square foot for energy conservation. The deduction has been around since 2005 but has seen some large changes in recent years. This is an introductory webinar; GHI's expert speaker will discuss...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 03/26/2025 + Show |
Green Building Connections: GBI's Speed Networking, a Free Online Event, March 25, 3-4 pm ET
Join the Green Building Initiative on Tuesday, March 25 from 3-4 pm EDT for a virtual speed networking event designed to bring the GBI community together for meaningful connections. Engage in one-on-one, fast-paced, purposeful conversations with fellow industry leaders from: - A/E/C firms - Product manufacturers - CRE professionals -...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 03/25/2025 + Show |
Bay Area Green Spring Soiree, USGBC California, March 20, 5-7 pm, San Francisco
This event will bring together professionals, enthusiasts, and advocates of sustainable architecture and green building practices for a night of networking, inspiration, and celebration. Event Highlights: Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals and industry leaders who are passionate about creating a...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 03/20/2025 + Show |
Women of Carbon: Documentary Screening & Panel, March 19, 5-8 pm, Cambridge, Massachusetts
The Engine and Carbon Leadership Forum Boston/Northeast Hub are thrilled to co-host Boston's first public screening of Women of Carbon, a compelling documentary highlighting the women decarbonizing the construction industry to combat climate change. Watch the trailer...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 03/19/2025 + Show |
The U.S. EPA has proposed a new stormwater permit and is accepting public comments until March 17. This permit would apply to privately-owned industrial, commercial, and institutional properties in the Charles, Mystic, and Neponset River watersheds that have one or more acres of impervious surfaces such as parking lots and roofs. The purpose of...
By Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin Event Date: 03/11/2025 + Show |
Wisconsin Green Building Group
Welcome to the Wisconsin Green Building Group! We encourage everyone in the WI area who's interested… Welcome to the Wisconsin Green Building Group! We encourage everyone in the WI area who's interested in anything environmental to green building related to join us. Whether you are a college student, homeowner or construction industry professional, this group is intended to be a strong resource for sharing experience, information and contacts/ resources related to sustainability. Feel free to post any questions, comments, news or event info here, to help grow this group as a place of collaborative learning.
Join this group to discuss green building in the United Kingdom. Join this group to discuss green building in the United Kingdom.
Please share your news, plans, and ideas about tiny houses here! Please share your news, plans, and ideas about tiny houses here!
Use this space to post events, developments, and everything else for green building and sustainabili… Use this space to post events, developments, and everything else for green building and sustainability in Texas!
Solar Energy and Green Building
Extracurricular reading materials about clean energy and green building, with a focus on solar energ… Extracurricular reading materials about clean energy and green building, with a focus on solar energy.
There is so much happening in Rhode Island, we needed a group! Please contact us if you want to lea… There is so much happening in Rhode Island, we needed a group! Please contact us if you want to lead this group. For now, it's Allison, posting what I hear of from next door in Massachusetts.
Pennsylvania Sustainability Group
A resource for everyone interested in sustainability, the built environment and environmental stewar… A resource for everyone interested in sustainability, the built environment and environmental stewardship. Whether you are a college student, homeowner or construction industry professional, this group is intended to be a strong resource for sharing experience, information and contacts/ resources related to sustainability. Feel free to post any questions, comments or event info here, to help foster this group as a place of collaborative learning.
Come here to interact with others from New York State! Discuss local green building issues and event… Come here to interact with others from New York State! Discuss local green building issues and events with your colleagues from New York. Feel free to post your news, events, questions, and comments below.
New Jersey Greenbuilding Group
New Jersey is an up and coming Green building state. Let us use this place to discuss local green bu… New Jersey is an up and coming Green building state. Let us use this place to discuss local green building issues, developments and events with our colleagues from New Jersey. Feel free to post your news, events, questions, and comments.
New Hampshire is full of green building activity. Share your events, news and opinions here, and inv… New Hampshire is full of green building activity. Share your events, news and opinions here, and invite friends and colleagues to do the same.
A place to discuss local green building issues and events in the great state of Missouri. Feel free … A place to discuss local green building issues and events in the great state of Missouri. Feel free to post your events, news, comments, questions, or concerns. Let's Make Missouri Green Again!
Your one stop hub for Michigan Green Building news and events. Add your news, events, questions, and… Your one stop hub for Michigan Green Building news and events. Add your news, events, questions, and comments. There's a lot of green going on in the MI green building community, and we want to make sure everyone knows about it :)
A place to discuss local green building issues and events with your colleagues from Massachusetts. … A place to discuss local green building issues and events with your colleagues from Massachusetts. Feel free to post your news, events, questions, and comments.
Here's a community space to share the latest and greatest in all things green building for India! Fe… Here's a community space to share the latest and greatest in all things green building for India! Feel free to show images, events, and developments from all parts of one of the largest green building centers on Earth. Much of the information and events are supplied from the Confederation of Indian Industry Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Center (CIISGGBC), under which sits the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). This council was established in 2000 and has since introduced a green building rating system, and has trained thousands of professionals in green building concepts.
A place to discuss local green building issues and events with your colleagues from Illinois. Feel f… A place to discuss local green building issues and events with your colleagues from Illinois. Feel free to post your news, events, questions, and comments.
HVAC - Protecting Healthy Buildings with Pure Air Optimization
Subjects Discussed -Posting Community Webinar Events - New Product Development - Protecting Ind… Subjects Discussed -Posting Community Webinar Events - New Product Development - Protecting Indoor Air Quality - Eliminating Environmentally Damaging Exhausts
Many talented "content creators" and "thought leaders" in Atlanta have made an amazing impact on the… Many talented "content creators" and "thought leaders" in Atlanta have made an amazing impact on the built environment. Currently, we have builders, designers, architects, raters, engineers, real estate agents, and a mayor, just to name a few; as long as you are passionate about making Atlanta a better place to live through sustainability, you are welcome.
This is a group for events, news and discussions about promoting green building policies at the fede… This is a group for events, news and discussions about promoting green building policies at the federal, state, local - and perhaps global level as well. Because green building, and sustainable jobs and development are just not partisan.
Georgia on My Mind - Green Building, Sustainable Products and Building Practices
Georgia is home to some of the top sustainable green building talent in the nation. Within this gro… Georgia is home to some of the top sustainable green building talent in the nation. Within this group we will be promoting green builder, performance testing, sustainable products and green building practices.
There is so much green building going on in Florida, we needed a group to cover it all! This group i… There is so much green building going on in Florida, we needed a group to cover it all! This group is a place to discuss local green building issues, news, and events from Florida! Feel free to post your news, events, questions, and comments.
Join this group to share information, news and events about making green and healthy buildings more … Join this group to share information, news and events about making green and healthy buildings more affordable and accessible for everyone. (Photo is of the E+ Housing built by Urbanica in Boston, by David L. Ryan).
This is a group for students and professionals who are new to green building. Use this space to conn… This is a group for students and professionals who are new to green building. Use this space to connect with others who likely have a lot of the same thoughts and challenges on their minds.
We are on the edge of incredible technologies. Quantum physics will soon allow molecular surgery t… We are on the edge of incredible technologies. Quantum physics will soon allow molecular surgery that will purify water and in some instances produce electricity and hydrogen. Storage, battery chemistries, lithium ion, lead oxide, super capacitors, graphene, biomimicry, all are changing the world. 1, What are the roadblocks to bringing technologies to commercialization? 2. How do you pick and choose between promising technologies? 3. Do strategic partnerships help more than venture capital? 4. How do you develop these fairly? I look forward to learning more from everyone.
Connecticut Green Building news and events. Add your news, events, questions, and comments. There's… Connecticut Green Building news and events. Add your news, events, questions, and comments. There's a lot going on, so let's get the information out there!
Colorado High Performance and Passive House Building Group
Colorado is the perfect environment to build high performance building that are cost effective and c… Colorado is the perfect environment to build high performance building that are cost effective and comfortable. Going well beyond code has many benefits with Passive House now a viable choice for many new projects. There is also a strong community of health materials builders and designers producing low embedded energy and natural structures.
This is a place to discuss California green building issues and events. Please post your news, event… This is a place to discuss California green building issues and events. Please post your news, events, questions, and comments. Also, this is just a start to get the ball rolling - Let me know if you’d like to manage this group! Also, let me know if you want to see groups for specific parts of California. Feedback is great. Images are great too - send your idea for a group image, and maybe I’ll use it! (This image: California Academy of Sciences)
Buildings and Our Health - News and Information
This group has been created for those who wish to share information and ask questions about building… This group has been created for those who wish to share information and ask questions about building and operating healthier buildings. I am creating this with the current COVID-19 crisis in mind, but the idea is not to sensationalize. Let's help each other out and share what we can. -Allison
This is a group to discuss, share informations about green buildings and events. Bem Vindo ao Grupo… This is a group to discuss, share informations about green buildings and events. Bem Vindo ao Grupo! Welcome to the group!