Green Building Community
NOT COMPLICATED - JUST GREEN, podcast of common sense for better construction
Posted by: James Pirch, AIA, LEED GA // Architect, LEED GA, host of podcast NOT COMPLICATED - JUST GREEN

This episode features an interview with Matt Hoots, the president of Sawhorse construction, one of Atlanta’s premier residential remodeling firms, known for their innovation, professionalism, and energy-efficient building practices.
Winning more than 100 national & regional awards, it’s easy to find Matt’s content on Youtube with great series like the green myth busters, fresh air fridays, and lots of great videos on everything from understanding insulation, to selecting better kitchen appliances. As an atlanta green influencer, Matt is a passionate advocate for the positive impacts of better construction on peoples’ lives.
Matt Hoots // SawHorse Design + Build
Thanks for sharing- you had some really good questions that I had not been asked before.
Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin
I really enjoyed this conversation, thanks James and Matt.
I think it lived up to its name of not being complicated and was super approachable. I’d recommend giving a listen, but just in case it can help to give some highlights, here’s some of what was discussed:
-Why not just build cheaper buildings? Goodness we could go on forever about that. Liability was one point, but also taking short cuts or just not building better leads to higher costs, upset clients and maybe even health impacts down the road. As Matt points out, selfishly, sustainability saves money!
-What items are the longer term decisions people should be thinking about? I enjoyed Matt’s point about having a Bentley in the driveway but a Yugo in the mechanical room. We spend a lot on our homes - which is a good reason to get it right. And, cheaper systems can be more to install, and might have more maintenance costs or need to be replaced sooner...
-How can we think about possible impacts? A key answer is really that if we do everything right, it all adds up. Matt makes a great point that we don’t often do our math right. If something costs 20% more but will last 5x as long, or we focus on aesthetics and install an exterior surface that the sun and rain will destroy, we’re not making cost effective decisions. We need to talk and teach more about operating and long term costs in the structure of costs. We need ot figure out people’s pain points, whether it’s comfort, health issues, costs, and then we can educate and introduce options that will work for occupants and overall.
-What are builder’s pain points? This is a super interesting question. Matt believes if we provide solutions and don’t just point out problems, and if we educate clients, people will make better decisions.
-Can the game be stepped up even higher? Well, yes. We’re going to see more energy efficiency, more electrification, and more power creation at the source. Why not become more efficient and save, AND make it clean?
-Where can you learn from Matt? Well, on Sawhorse, Inc’s site of course, on Sawhorse’s YT channel, and here on Rate It Green! Matt also talks about the WHY of creating content - it’s helpful in onboarding and educating clients, and also helping others to do the same. Once we know more, and as we learn, he really believes it’s our obligation to share. That’s one of the reasons he’s a founding member of the #GreenInfluencerATL group…
-Should people get educated? Heck yes.
-What are calls to action, if people want to create a movement? I appreciate Matt’s thought here to “Be the resource for your friends.” I am repeating that one below with more thoughts, but Matt brings up continued education for professionals as well as for consumers. We need a plan for when things break, so we’re ready to install good solutions, and not just what’s cheapest or easiest. These are long-term decisions!
Overheard in this podcast:
“Go Green, Go Naked!” I’ll let you go find that one in the podcast. :)
“Be the resource for your friends.”
Once we educate more people, each person can in turn get more people excited about these core concepts. James brings up the idea of what people can do if they want to create a movement. That’s what this group is all here for, to share what we’re learning, and to ask each other and others our questions. !!
Thanks again, James and Matt!
To see all of James’ podcasts:
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