Green Building Community
India Green Building (GROUP)

Group Description: Here's a community space to share the latest and greatest in all things green building for India! Feel free to show images, events, and developments from all parts of one of the largest green building centers on Earth. Much of the information and events are supplied from the Confederation of Indian Industry Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Center (CIISGGBC), under which sits the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). This council was established in 2000 and has since introduced a green building rating system, and has trained thousands of professionals in green building concepts.
Please be kind and respectful!
Please make sure to be respectful of the organizations and companies, and other Rate It Green members that make up our community. We welcome praise and advice and even criticism but all posted content and ratings should be constructive in nature. For guidance on what constitutes suitable content on the Rate It Green site, please refer to the User Agreement and Site Rules.
The opinions, comments, ratings and all content posted by member on the Rate It Green website are the comments and opinions of the individual members who posts them only and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies or policies of Rate It Green. Rate It Green Team Members will monitor posted content for unsuitable content, but we also ask for the participation of community members in helping to keep the site a comfortable and open public forum of ideas. Please email all questions and concerns to