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Follow Along on the #GreenInfluencerATL Tour of Mitsubishi's Atlanta Headquarters with Corbett Lunsford

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

See Corbett Lunsford geek out during the #GreenInfluencerATL Mitsubishi tour, and you might be jealous.

His first stop?  The 3D i-SEE sensor, an 8-element infrared-ray sensor “camera” which is part of their FH HVAC equipment series and can “sweep the room,” aiming conditioned air towards or away from occupants, according to comfort preference.

Next up? A visit to Mitsubishi tech support team, who are often HVAC contractors.  They can troubleshoot using real working demo equipment during a call.  That actually makes a ton of sense in our opinion (pun accidental, but we’ll leave it.)

The 460K foot warehouse (11 acres, or 8 football fields) contains a test lab with 30x30 foot rooms with 30 foot ceilings, all set up with 15 tons of cooling and heating power! (60 sf per ton!) Here they can check system performance from 130 degrees fahrenheit down to -40 degrees fahrenheit.

Want more info?  Check out the video!

Also, check out Matt Hoot's post to see who was on the tour, what other content was created, and some additional photos! 


Do you want to see more #GreenInfluencerATL Content?  Check out the #GreenInfluencerATL group on Rate It Green!

#GreeninfliuencerATL?  is a group of Atlanta-area builders, designers, architects, raters, engineers, real estate agents, and others (including a mayor) who are both meeting in person and then sharing information online, so we can all follow along and learn as well. The requirements for joining the group are a sincere interest in making the Atlanta area (and also, beyond, through content creation) a more sustainable place to live, and a commitment to sharing what one is learning with others.  That's it!  Keep in mind that you do not need to be an expert to be a Green Influencer!  We all have more to learn, and we learn from questions as well.  If you have a question, chances are someone else has the same querstin and will appreciater your asking!




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