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21 Mayors Pledge US $5.2 Billion - 10 percent of budgets - to Resilience Strategies, at COP21

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

From CitiesToday, December 2, 2015:

21 mayors have pledged US$5.2 billion to fund resilience strategies by signing up to the 10% Resilience Pledge at the COP21 conference in Paris this week.

Mayors from cities such as Mexico City, New Orleans, Paris and Rio de Janeiro will dedicate the equivalent of 10 percent of their city’s annual budget towards defined, resilience-building activities throughout their term in office.

The 100 Resilient Cities campaign (100RC, a Rockefeller Foundation initiative) does not ask cities’ to pledge additional resources but helps them fund and plan strategies that will make them more resilient. All resilience projects must accomplish more than one goal with a single intervention to qualify for the pledge. The campaign believes this forces cities to think more efficiently about resilience.

The 21 cities to have signed up at COP21 are: Accra, Ghana; Amman, Jordan; Athens, Greece; Berkeley, California (US); Bristol, UK; Boulder, Colorado (US); Byblos, Lebanon; Cali, Colombia; Huangshi, China; Kigali, Rwanda; Mexico City, Mexico; New Orleans, Louisiana (US); Norfolk, Virginia (US); Oakland, California (US); Paris, France; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (US); Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Santa Fe, Argentina; Toyama, Japan; and Tulsa, Oklahoma (US).

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