Green Building Community

Boston Globe Editorial - Save the Solar Incentives

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 104 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

It was great to see the Boston Globe supporting solar incentives in an editorial this Sunday. The Globe points out that the town of Easton generated $200,000 for schools and roads when they put solar panels on top of their landfill, as many other towns have done as well.

So, why wouldn't we be wildly enthusiastic as a state (and a global community, for that matter) about the combination of saving money and renewable energy?

We need to reconcile once and for all the tension over whether non-solar customers subsidize solar clients. For one thing, we all have to save energy and consume less,or we're call in trouble. But if there's some fair arrangement we need to work out for subsidizes or transmission or anything else, let's just figure it out like reasonable people and move on towards a clean energy future. There's a whole planet waiting.

To read the Globe article:



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