Green Building Community

EnerScore - Aiming to Rate every US Home on Energy Efficiency

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 104 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Congrats Brian and Kenn of Massachusetts-based Enerscore.

Nice article in FastCompany!

"Greater transparency in how much energy homes are wasting might provide a boost to the market. If we knew the energy efficiency of homes before we purchased them, or moved in as renters, it might sway our choice between one property or another. That's what a small Massachusetts startup called Enerscore is trying to do: Get people to think about energy when they're making a decision about where to live."

Read more:

"Find the energy score before you buy/rent your home!" - Sounds good. Keep up the good work!



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