
    Environmental Movie Premier Event in Boston - "Keep Jumbo Wild" - Free! November 1, 7:30 PM. Presented by Patagonia and Sweetwater Films

  • 01 Nov 2015
Event Description

Patagonia Presents a film by Sweetgrass Productions:

Keep Jumbo Wild

Sunday, November 1st
Doors: 7:30 pm, Film 8 pm

Join Patagonia Ambassador Pep Fujas for the Boston premiere of Jumbo Wild–a gripping, hour-long documentary film by Sweetgrass Productions telling a true story of the decades-long battle over the future of British Columbia’s iconic Jumbo Valley–highlighting the tension between protection of wilderness and the backcountry experience and ever-increasing development interests in wild places. A large-scale proposed ski resort threatens the rich wilderness of British Columbia’s Purcell Range–a revered backcountry ski and snowboarding destination with world-class terrain, sacred ground for local First Nations people and part of one of North America’s most important grizzly bear corridors.

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