Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'Environment'
Boston Area Solar Association Film - TONIGHT - Feb 12 in Cabridge
Location: First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist 3 Church Street, Harvard Square Time: Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Presentation begins at 7:30 p.m. Spanning 50 years of grassroots and gl…
Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum: Thursday, May 14 -Stories of Trial and Hope from Japan
Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum: Thursday, May 14 -Stories of Trial and Hope from Japan First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist; 3 Church Street, Harvard Square Doors open at …
Hull Wind Turbine Summer Cruise with Mass Energy - Friday June 19th 1-5pm
The Hull Summer Cruise sets sail on June 19th from Rowes Wharf in Boston! This event is open to the public. Get your tickets by June 11th! We'll charter the M/V Freedom and take a one hour cruise d…
Made In the USA
I would love to hear from people and companies currently involved in the #madeinmmerica movement/program. I remember (kind of cheesy) commercials about this long ago, and then the momentum seemed to d…
A Price On Carbon: Driving the Economic Road Forward, 6/18 6-8 pm
A Price On Carbon: Driving the Economic Road Forward Thursday, June 18, 2015 - 6 to 8 pm Non Profit Center 89 South Street Boston, MA CABA invites members and friends to attend a workshop on …
Connecting Investors and Donors with Cleantech and Clean Energy Investments
I was interested to read Greentech Media's article on how few US philanthropic dollars are typically invested in the kinds of clean energy and cleantech projects that can reduce our impact on the envi…
Pope Francis - Inspired Environmental Leadership
I am excited Pope Francis has taken a firm stand on our global responsibility to care for the environment and each other, and to defend against climate change. Religions and countries have largely reg…
Petition: Tell the EPA to Support the Clean Power Plan (via NRDC)
Please help the NRDC with a petition to Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator! It's time to limit emissions on coal-fired plants, for the health of the planet and for current and future generations. …
Drilling in the Arctic simply does not make sense. Please stand with the NRDC.
We need to STOP ARCTIC DRILLING. From the NRDC: "Shell Oil is racing to sink its drills into the Arctic's Chukchi Sea — and the Obama Administration has given them the green light. This comes…
Petition: Ask Governor Christie to hold Exxon fully accountable for oil spills, clean ups
Stand with Environment America and Environment New Jersey behind this petition: "New Jersey has been fighting Exxon in the courts for decades over the damages it’s done to natural resources, bu…
MassPIRG Petition: Say No to BP Tax Deductions on Oil Spill Payments!
BP Oil Company must pay $18.7 billion in damages as a result of gross negligence in the Deepwater Horizon disaster, but there are indications that only $5.5 billion of that settlement will be non-tax …
Oil Change Interntaional Petition: Tell President Obama to Keep Shell Oil out of the Arctic
Petition: Stop Arctic Drilling! "We call on the Obama Administration to make the Arctic Ocean off limits to Big Oil. In order to tackle climate change we must leave carbon underground -- not let fo…
Thank President Obama and the EPA for the finalized Clean Power Plan (Petition)
President Obama and the EPA have finalized a Clean Power Plan that imposes the first limits on carbon pollution from power plants. Pollution from power plants apparently cause 40% of the carbon pollut…
The EPA's Clean Power Plan Needs your Support! (Environment Mass)
Add your signature to support the EPA and the Obama Administrations Clean Power Plan! Sign to help the EPA implement affordable energy solutions as a part of the Clean Energy Incentive Program. …
350 Org Petition World Governments: Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground
350 Org Petition: Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground! 2015 is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history, and this December world governments will meet in Paris for the biggest climate talks …
Should we be Worried about the Rapidly Expanding Desalinization Industry?
Access to water is a growing issue, particularly with recent droughts. At first, desalinization sounds like a good idea. But I was reading an Environmental News Network article about how desalin…
TONIGHT 9/10 - Off and On: The Climate Movement and the Road Through Paris, Brooklyn Academy of Music, 7 pm
Off and On: The Climate Movement and the Road Through Paris Date: Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 7pm Location: Brooklyn Academy of Music Admission: Sliding Scale- Pay what you can Can't attend -…
Environmental Movie Premier Event in Boston - "Keep Jumbo Wild" - Free! November 1, 7:30 PM. Presented by Patagonia and Sweetwater Films
Patagonia Presents a film by Sweetgrass Productions: Keep Jumbo Wild Sunday, November 1st Doors: 7:30 pm, Film 8 pm FREE! Join Patagonia Ambassador Pep Fujas for the Boston premiere of Jum…
Energy Day of Action at the State House: November 10th- Starts at 10 am
Energy Day of Action: November 10 November 10 is a critical day in our fight to ensure our elected officials move us toward a clean and just energy economy. On the 10th, a bill proposing to give…
Climate Marches are planned November 29 everywhere - Join a March in Massachusetts:
Starting the weekend of November 28th, people everywhere are coming together for two weeks of action calling for climate justice and an end to carbon pollution. There are going to be thousands of even…
Are US National Parks "For Sale" - Should we Panic?
A recent Washington Post headline asked whether Yosemite might soon be sponsored by Starbucks.... is it time to panic? Maybe. As the National Park Service approaches its 100th anniversary, Jona…
Volkswagen Punished for Emissions Cheating
In September 2015 a report came out stating that 11 million of Volkswagen's cars contained software that falsified emission data. Since then, the car manufacturer has been facing a great deal of scrut…
Discuss the benefits of native plants for pollinators, including bees and butterflies. Pollinators are crucial for the life and health of your veggie plants! Includes hands-on component in which atten…
Climate Refugees: A Call For International Relocation Action
The world is facing a new and ugly reality of anthropogenic climate change. As the planet warms, we’re seeing the sea levels rise, storms grow stronger and more variable, and fresh water supplies dw…
Composting 101: Tips for Everyday Composting at Home (You Can Do It!)
Green Tips For Composting At Home: If you’re thinking about taking up more green living practices, composting can be a great place to start. While composting may seem mysterious or complicated,