Green Building Community

Should we be Worried about the Rapidly Expanding Desalinization Industry?

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Access to water is a growing issue, particularly with recent droughts. At first, desalinization sounds like a good idea.

But I was reading an Environmental News Network article about how desalinization is now a billion dollar industry and growing. Now, up to 17 plants are planned for California?

Doesn't it take a lot of water and energy to create potable water in this way? What will happen to the nearby ocean? And will this water make some people stop conserving, since we can just "make" more? What about consequences?

These facilities must be netzero energy to make sense, and they certainly should not degrade California's beautiful shores. Increasingly, we are asking other nations to respect shared air and water resources. Shouldn't we have to do the same?



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