Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'Composting'
Composting 101: Tips for Everyday Composting at Home (You Can Do It!)
Green Tips For Composting At Home: If you’re thinking about taking up more green living practices, composting can be a great place to start. While composting may seem mysterious or complicated,
…Composting Class in Austin TX, July 15
Composting is one of the easiest ways to green your lifestyle: recycle your kitchen scraps and yard trimmings, reduce your trash output and generate a free, rich soil conditioner. Compost will improve…
Compost 2018 - January 23-25, Atlanta
What it is: The Annual Conference of the US Composting Council is the largest gathering of organics recycling professionals anywhere! Who will be there: Compost industry leaders and executives, co…
RecyclingWorks Practical Skills Compost Workshop, Greenfield MA, June 1st
RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts is hosting a no-cost Practical Skills Compost Workshop with emphasis on composting food materials. This half-day workshop will focus on operator competency in compost s…
Team USGBC - Jr. Achievement Fundraising Bike Ride, September 9, 2018, St.Paul, MN
Join USGBC Minnesota's Bike Team and help us raise money for a great project! MEP Associates is teaming up to raise money with U.S. Green Building Council Minnesota to support their Green Schools p…
2020 RI Compost Conference & Trade Show, March 12, Providence, RI
Join the Environment Council of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College's Office of Sustainability for the annual Rhode Island Compost Conference & Trade Show. The conference will feature two co
…USGBC-LA True Zero Waste and Circular Economy Training Series: Reduce, Reuse, and Composting, July 9, 9:30 am
Without urgent action, global waste will increase by 70 percent on current levels by 2050, according to the World Bank’s new report. The make-take-waste way of doing things is coming to an end a
…Webinar: Home Composting for Zero Waste, April 20, 7 pm EDT
Home composting is easier than people might think. Most of the work is done by nature’s composting work force (decomposers). All we have to do is feed them our food scraps and yard waste, give t