Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'Nature Conservation'
The TPP In A Nutshell – Too Risky for the Environment:
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is one of the most ambitious free trade agreements ever proposed. In 2005, a similar deal, the P4 trade agreement was crafted by Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Sing…
New Federal Rules To Hinder California's Clean Energy Goals
The Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) is a "strategy that will help conserve desert lands and plan for a clean energy future. It will provide permanent protection to the desert’s pub…
AUGUST 2nd: Insectary Plants Field Day at Michigan State University
MSU entomologists have been testing Michigan native and other plants for valuable pest control and pollination services to farms and gardens and want to share their results with you at the Supporting …
AUGUST 2nd: Insectary Plants Field Day at Michigan State University
MSU entomologists have been testing Michigan native and other plants for valuable pest control and pollination services to farms and gardens and want to share their results with you at the Supporting …
TOMORROW JULY 14th, 2016: Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes: "Pollinators in Peril: Natives to the Rescue"
"Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes" is a FREE educational program series sponsored by Rutgers Cooperative Extension, State Forestry Services & the NJ Forestry Association This program will cover the …
Composting 101: Tips for Everyday Composting at Home (You Can Do It!)
Green Tips For Composting At Home: If you’re thinking about taking up more green living practices, composting can be a great place to start. While composting may seem mysterious or complicated,
…JULY 18th: USDA NRCS Summer Farm Tour Series
Join the USDA NRCS to visit three successful Rhode Island farm businesses with a focus on Farm Energy Programs. Topics will include: •Applying to USDA NRCS for funding and technical assistanc…
July 19th: USDA NRCS Summer Farm Tour Series
Join the USDA NRCS to visit three successful Rhode Island farm businesses with a focus on Farm Energy Programs. Topics will include: •Applying to USDA NRCS for funding and technical assistanc…
Join the USDA NRCS to visit three successful Rhode Island farm businesses with a focus on Farm Energy Programs. Topics will include: •Applying to USDA NRCS for funding and technical assistanc…
July 16th: Build a Bog Bridge Training and Workday
Join the Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire for their Build a Bog Bridge Training and Workday! ABOUT THE EVENT: The bog bridges in the Manchester Cedar Swamp are in dire need of a facelift! The Na…
Sept 10th: WMEAC's 13th Annual Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup
WMEAC is proud to host the 13th Annual Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup! This event will be hosted by WMEAC on September 10th, 2016 from 8:30am until 1pm! There will be a small breakfast available before…
2023 Water Conservation Showcase: Hands-on Drip Irrigation Workshop, June 27, Walnut Creek, California
In this workshop, participants will convert sprinkler zones to the most efficient irrigation available - drip. Sprinkler to drip conversions are commonly performed by landscape professionals in t