Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'New Jersey'

July 14th & August 11th: Nature Storytime for Sprouts - Individual Classes

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

Children ages 3-6 and their adult caregivers are invited to join Duke Farms in Hillsborough Township, NJ for a 90 minute nature themed monthly program. Each month Duke Farms' “sprouts” will use th…

TOMORROW JULY 14th, 2016: Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes: "Pollinators in Peril: Natives to the Rescue"

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

"Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes" is a FREE educational program series sponsored by Rutgers Cooperative Extension, State Forestry Services & the NJ Forestry Association This program will cover the …

TOMORROW: Green Tour of Village Elementary School

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

The USGBC NJ Green Schools Committee in collaboration with the NJ School Boards Association is pleased to present an educational tour of the Village Elementary School addition project in the West Wind…

August 10: Join the USGBC NJ for their 9th Annual Summer Social

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

Join the USBGC NJ for their 9th Annual Summer Social, presented by the Central Branch. Come out for a great ocean-front networking BBQ with fellow green building and sustainability professionals! …

August 13th: Sustainability Night at Red Bull Arena in Harrison, New Jersey!

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

Don't miss this Fun Summer Event on Saturday, August 13: Sustainability Night with Major League Soccer's Red Bulls! Enjoy the game with your fellow school and municipal green team friends and other…

August 4th: Final Presentations for the PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies Green Teams Program

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

You are cordially invited to attend the final presentations for the PSEG ISS Green Teams Summer Program in the Center for Environmental and Life Sciences at Montclair State University. As this summ…

Webinar: Energy Efficiency Stakeholder Group, New Jersey Clean Energy Program, December 22, 1 pm EST

by Richard Minasian // Student

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program Stakeholder Groups are open to the public and provide opportunities for stakeholder participation.


New Jersey's Clean Energy Program offers

Filed under: Energy

New Jersey Greenbuilding Group

Keywords: Energy,Energy Efficiency,New Jersey,stakeholders,New Jersey Clean Energy Learning Center,New Jersey Clean Energy Program

0 replies | 765 views | Posted on: 12/06/2021 | Last updated: 12/07/2021