Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Beneficial Insects'

AUGUST 2nd: Insectary Plants Field Day at Michigan State University

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

MSU entomologists have been testing Michigan native and other plants for valuable pest control and pollination services to farms and gardens and want to share their results with you at the Supporting …

AUGUST 2nd: Insectary Plants Field Day at Michigan State University

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

MSU entomologists have been testing Michigan native and other plants for valuable pest control and pollination services to farms and gardens and want to share their results with you at the Supporting …

Pests and Pollinators, July 20, Sarasota

by AbbieKnight

What is that bug? Learn all about common yard pests and pollinators. Identify several pests and discuss the many ways to utilize and identify beneficial insects in our landscapes.

Filed under: Events

Florida Green Building Group

Keywords: Beneficial Insects

0 replies | 906 views | Posted on: 06/29/2017 | Last updated: 07/18/2017