Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'Shell Oil'

Drilling in the Arctic simply does not make sense. Please stand with the NRDC.

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

We need to STOP ARCTIC DRILLING. From the NRDC: "Shell Oil is racing to sink its drills into the Arctic's Chukchi Sea — and the Obama Administration has given them the green light. This comes…

Filed under: Environmental Activism

Keywords: Environment,Arctic Drilling,Shell Oil

0 replies | 1116 views | Posted on: 07/16/2015 | Last updated: 07/27/2015

Oil Change Interntaional Petition: Tell President Obama to Keep Shell Oil out of the Arctic

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Petition: Stop Arctic Drilling! "We call on the Obama Administration to make the Arctic Ocean off limits to Big Oil. In order to tackle climate change we must leave carbon underground -- not let fo…

Filed under: Environmental Activism

Keywords: Environment,Arctic Drilling,Shell Oil,Pollution,Oil

0 replies | 1108 views | Posted on: 07/29/2015 | Last updated: 07/29/2015

Shell Abandons Arctic Drilling - Sign to Keep Other Oil Companies out of the Arctic

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Great news today - Shell Oil has abandoned plans for further Arctic exploration. At a cost of approximately $7 billion, perhaps this will scare other fossil fuel companies away as well. But maybe no…

Filed under: Environmental Activism

Keywords: Arctic Drilling,Shell Oil

0 replies | 800 views | Posted on: 09/28/2015 | Last updated: 09/28/2015