Green Building Community

Shell Abandons Arctic Drilling - Sign to Keep Other Oil Companies out of the Arctic

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Great news today - Shell Oil has abandoned plans for further Arctic exploration. At a cost of approximately $7 billion, perhaps this will scare other fossil fuel companies away as well. But maybe not.

Here's a petition you can sign from the League of Conservation Voters to help prevent further Arctic drilling plans:

Drilling in the Arctic is just a bad idea. Just as it's so expensive to get the equipment in to explore and drill, it's almost impossible to guarantee a real and timely clean up of potentially devastating spills.

For now, lower oil prices, disappointing exploration and some public pressure have added up to a failing formula for Shell. But if the "tides," change, it's pretty clear other companies will come knocking.



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