Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'EPA'
EPA/Antioch Webinar 3/26 at 12pm EST: Weathering Change: Local Solutions for Strong Communities
Thursday, March 26, 12:00- 1:15 PM EST AICP credits pending Presenter: Cara Pike, Climate Access How can we connect the dots for people in our communities about climate impacts? This webinar wil…
Petition the EPA: Ban the Use of Chlorpyrifos - Protect Agricultural Workers and Drinking Water Supplies
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s recently released human health risk assessment shows that farmworkers who apply the chlorpyrifos, a widely used pesticide, or work in the field may be …
Petition: Tell the EPA to Support the Clean Power Plan (via NRDC)
Please help the NRDC with a petition to Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator! It's time to limit emissions on coal-fired plants, for the health of the planet and for current and future generations. …
The EPA's Clean Power Plan Needs your Support! (Environment Mass)
Add your signature to support the EPA and the Obama Administrations Clean Power Plan! Sign to help the EPA implement affordable energy solutions as a part of the Clean Energy Incentive Program. …
Fracking is Scary! Happy Halloween - Please sign this Petition to Stop Fracking
Fracking is Scary! This Halloween (and after!), please take a moment to look out for our communities and environment. Please sign the Sierra Club's Petition, to offer Public comment on methane sta…
Webinar, 1/7: An Introduction to The Clean Power Plan -- A Home Performance View, 12-1:15 pm EDT
Join Efficiency First on Thursday 1/7 for: An Introduction to The Clean Power Plan -- A Home Performance View You can add CPP to the list of acronyms that …
Freddie Mac Introduces a Green Rebate Program - up to $5000 for multifamily property loans
As the largest funder of multifamily properties nationally, Freddie Mac hopes to boost awareness of energy consumption among apartment owners and managers. Borrowers financing properties with 20 u…
EPA Methane Cut - New Regulations, and Resistance
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has recently finalized a new methane rule that will see heavy regulations implemented into the gas and oil sectors. Methane emissions, a greenhouse gas that t…
Energy Star: A Leading Label in Voluntary Energy Conservation
Although long popular, Energy Star has recently become a top symbol for energy conservation and going green, helping save families and businesses $300 billion on utility bills while at the same time r
…The EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2016: Looks Like a Bright Future for Renewables
Every July, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) holds an annual conference to discuss current energy technology, market, and policy issues, and this year, they presented results from their Ann…
July 29th: Green Workplace Challenge Workshop #1: Getting Started with the GWC
OVERVIEW: Green Workplace Challenge competitors are seeking the edge they need to get ahead. This workshop guides participants through the first steps of the GWC, including how to set up their GWC …
Join with the AIA Committee on the Environment Advisory Group and Hundreds of Others to Reject Climate Denial Appointees
Join hundreds of architects and supporters of green building practices and policies. Sign on to a letter written by the AIA Committee on the Environment Advisory Group. "Mr. Pruitt’s hearing too…
Sign On - USGBC Letter to Support ENERGY STAR, WaterSense & Safer Choice
USGBC Letter to Support ENERGY STAR, WaterSense & Safer Choice Sign on to Support ENERGY STAR, WaterSense & Safer Choice through USGBC's letter: "On behalf of the businesses and organizations wor…
Support the EPA - Events in Multiple Cities - May 11
Join with colleagues and friends for a lunchtime rally during Public Service Recognition Week to say thanks to the EPA employees! We want to let these people know that we greatly appreciate their e…
FREE Webinar: Using the Watersense EPA Water Budget Tool, June 24, 12pm EDT
This course will go through an in-depth review of the WaterSense Water Budget tool and take you step by step through an interactive exercise to better understand the functionality of the tool, its inf
…Climate Change and Abortion: They’re More Connected Than One Might Think
Times are changing: climate change is upon us and the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a ruling which guaranteed Americans the right to an abortion. One may be asking oneself how these two are co