Green Building Community

Webinar, 1/7: An Introduction to The Clean Power Plan -- A Home Performance View, 12-1:15 pm EDT

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Join Efficiency First on Thursday 1/7 for:

An Introduction to The Clean Power Plan -- A Home Performance View

You can add CPP to the list of acronyms that relate to the home performance industry. It stands for Clean Power Plan, the EPA’s recently-finalized rule that requires states to reduce emissions from existing coal power plants.

In this session, we’ll discuss the basics of how the Clean Power Plan will work and introduce key concepts and terms related to the CPP could impact the home performance industry. This will be the first of two sessions on the topic.

During this session we will look at:

-The basics of the Clean Power Plan
-Key CPP terminology
-Options available for states to comply with the rule
-How the Clean Power Plan could impact the home performance industry

Thursday, January 7th, from 9-10:15 am PDT/ 12-1:15 pm EDT

This webinar is FREE for members and non-members!
(Some have a fee for nonmemners, but this one is free.)

To register:



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