Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'methane'

EPA Methane Cut - New Regulations, and Resistance

by JackSawyer // Student

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has recently finalized a new methane rule that will see heavy regulations implemented into the gas and oil sectors. Methane emissions, a greenhouse gas that t…

Free Webinar: The Switch Is On: Electrify California! April 28, 5:30 pm PST

by samanthaklein // Intern

Did you know that over 90% of the gas that's used in buildings is methane?

Most homes in California burn natural gas or propane for space heating, water heating, and cooking. These gases&m

California Green Building

Keywords: Energy,Heating and cooling systems,methane,Decarbonization,Electrification

0 replies | 1171 views | Posted on: 04/03/2022 | Last updated: 04/03/2022