Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'Fracking'
NY Officially Bans Fracking
Last week a monumental decision was made in New York State to officially ban high-volume hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking”). Included in this decision was the release of the findings from the se…
Oh gross - Sign this Petition to stop Organic Crops from being watered with FRACKING waste
From Care2: Farmers are using fracking or oil drilling wastewater (leftover from oil/gas wells)! The USDA bans petroleum-derived fertilizers in organic standards, but the same rules don't apply to …
We Need to Ban Fracking on Public Lands - Sign now (Petition)
Sign Credo's Petition to Ban Fracking on Public Land! The scale of drilling and fracking on public lands is enormous. By the end of 2014, oil and gas companies had leases on over 34 million acres o…
Fracking is Scary! Happy Halloween - Please sign this Petition to Stop Fracking
Fracking is Scary! This Halloween (and after!), please take a moment to look out for our communities and environment. Please sign the Sierra Club's Petition, to offer Public comment on methane sta…
"Dear President Obama" Film Screening in Albany (7/21)
Food for Thought: "Dear President Obama: Film Screening July 21ST: 7-9 pm The Linda WAMC's Peforming Arts Studio 339 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12206 The film takes a cross-…
"Dear President Obama" Film Screening - Friday AUGUST 5, 2016 - 1:00 PM
Save the Date! "Dear President Obama" Film Screening - Friday AUGUST 5, 2016 - 1:00 PM Arise Music Festival 100 Sunrise Ranch Rd Loveland, CO The film takes a cross-country look at drill…