Green Building Community

Connecting Investors and Donors with Cleantech and Clean Energy Investments

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

I was interested to read Greentech Media's article on how few US philanthropic dollars are typically invested in the kinds of clean energy and cleantech projects that can reduce our impact on the environment.

Can Billions of Philanthropic Dollars Bridge Cleantech’s Valley of Death?

In conjunction with foundations, donors and investors who might not typically learn about or invest in these opportunities, recently launched Prime Coalition will work to invest directly in investments to ameliorate climate change, in energy, agriculture, water and waste. Prime Coalition will help reduce the hassle, cost, and complexity of vetting opportunities, while also tackling potential tax concerns that have stalled this type of giving in the past.

What other paths and opportunities are you aware of for connecting great green tech ideas with funding?



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