Green Building Community

Thank President Obama and the EPA for the finalized Clean Power Plan (Petition)

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

President Obama and the EPA have finalized a Clean Power Plan that imposes the first limits on carbon pollution from power plants. Pollution from power plants apparently cause 40% of the carbon pollution that impacts climate change. The Clean Power Plan aims to cut this pollution over 30%.

There are likely to be all kinds of protests and law suits from this action, which in an ideal world would be even stronger. Show your support and let the President know you stand behind this plan and believe this is a great step for the environment, the economy, and our health:

Environment USA Petition:

More information from the White House:

Steven_Spicer Haverhill, MA, united-states 0 Ratings 0 Discussions 0 Group posts


Great to see the environmental activism, my concern is two fold, with the increase crude oil/gas on the market following the trade talks with Iran and the middle east will the legislation be delayed or "put on a back burner" while the gas/oil is cheaply and readily available? Also how will Obama's predecessor continue to combatant climate change. I will admit to being less than interested in political positions and views this early on in elections yet have you heard of any one candidates plan on continuing to combat climate change and build legislation to create more sustainable means of conducting business?


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