Green Building Community

Fort Collins Companies Spearhead Net Zero Water Management Tool

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Five Fort Collins companies led by sustainability engineering and planning firm Brendle Group have spearheaded the Net Zero Water (NZW) Initiative and have created the Net Zero Water (NZW) toolkit to achieve water neutrality.

Objectives of the NZW initiative include:
• Recognizing financial and environmental benefits from reducing water use and quality impacts.
• Promoting water stewardship and recognizing water as a precious resource
• Providing technical guidance and assistance to enhance the utilization and protection of water resources from the building scale to an entire watershed.

The NZW concept builds off the principles of net zero energy and climate neutrality. Being water neutral means using only as much water as falls on your site and eliminating all water quality impacts from the site.

To read more:

Via Sustainable City



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