Green Building Community

FREE: Great Looking Resource by LISC NY: Green & Healthy Property Management, A Guide for Multifamily Buildings

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

LISC NYC and Two Shades of Green created a Green and Healthy Property Management Guide that provides detailed steps to bring green and healthy practices to existing affordable housing buildings. The Guide compliments hands-on technical assistance available for each affordable housing owner and property manager by the Two Shades of Green Team.

Printed in 2013, we hear an update might be coming soon. Many lessons will apply in the mean time! This resource looks terrific.


Prepared by:
Ellen Tohn, Environmental Strategies, LLC
Colleen Flynn, LISC New York City

Originally Prepared by:
Elizabeth Glynn and Kristin Blum, Boston LISC
Ellen Tohn, Environmental Strategies, LLC

Published by:
Local Initiatives Support Corporation New York City, (LISC New York City)

This guide for green and healthy property management policies and procedures, originally developed by
Boston LISC, was adapted by LISC New York City, The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
and The NYC Coalition for a Smoke-Free City with the assistance from Ellen Tohn of Tohn Environmental
Strategies. The guide is part of LISC New York City’s Green and Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative and Two
Shades of Green, a new partnership between LISC New York City, NYC Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene and the NYC Coalition for a Smoke-Free City. TSG was formed to bring cost-effective green and
healthy practices to existing affordable housing buildings.

The original guide was written by Ellen Tohn of Tohn Environmental Strategies in collaboration with Kristin
Blum and Elizabeth Glynn of Boston LISC, as part of the CDC Green Retrofit Initiative. The work that
provided the basis for this publication was supported by funding under a U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development award. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The author
and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this
publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government.

LISC New York City greatly appreciates the organizations whose generous support made our guide
possible: Con Edison and Citi Foundation.

LISC New York City is extremely grateful for the partnerships that made this guide possible. Specifically, LISC New York City would like to thank Deborah Nagin, Sean Robin and Sarah Wolf at NYC DOHMH, Rachelle Rochelle at NYC Coalition for a Smoke-Free City and Ellen Tohn of Tohn Environmental Strategies.

About LISC New York City:

LISC New York City is dedicated to helping low-income New York City neighborhoods become healthy
communities of choic—good places to live, do business, work and raise families. LISC has thirty years
of experience developing the infrastructure of community-based organizations by providing technical
and financial assistance; building capacity of local institutions to respond to changing community needs;
sharing best practices to maximize precious resources; and brokering collaboration among its vast network
of partners—government, nonprofit, and corporate—to tackle issues on the community level. Over the
last 30 years, LISC New York City has invested approximately $2.0 billion in more than 75 New York City
community development corporations (CDCs) and other local groups. With our support, these organizations
have developed over 33,000 affordable homes and apartments and more than 2 million sq. ft. of commercial



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