Green Building Community
Gaps Analysis - Help Inform Zero Net Energy Policy! Take this Survey, and Help California's Energy Commission
Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

California has set some impressive energy goals for buildings:
-All new residential construction should net zero energy (ZNE) by 2020.
-All new nonresidential construction should be ZNE by 2030.
But what are the tools and resources needed to reach these goals? Whether you are in California or not, you can help by filling out this survey.
For more information about this project:
"A wider perspective is also welcome, including high performance buildings with renewable energy generation, nearly zero energy buildings, carbon neutral buildings and campuses, limited or very low peak energy use, flat load profiles, and related definitions.
Residential and commercial buildings account for over 60 percent of California's electricity consumption. To address the need for more efficient buildings, California has adopted a plan which calls for all new residential and commercial construction to be Zero Net Energy (ZNE) by 2020 and 2030, respectively. In general terms, a Zero Net Energy (ZNE) building is one that produces as much energy, usually through on-site renewable energy sources, as it consumes.
The goal of the Research Gaps Analysis for Getting to Zero Net Energy Buildings is to identify, describe, and prioritize key RDD&D needs for achieving the state's goals for ZNE buildings.
The gaps analysis will cover multifamily and commercial new construction ZNE and cover topics including building energy efficiency technologies, behavioral research, distributed and community-scale renewables, and more.
Results of the analysis will be used by Energy Commission staff to develop a research roadmap for future EPIC investments that benefits Investor-Owned Utility (IOU) electric ratepayers, and maximizes the use of public research and development investments."
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