Green Building Community

Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans - 10 Years Later, Why aren't We Doing Better?

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Recently, we posted an opinion in our Green Building Industry News area on New Orleans ten years after Hurricane Katrina struck.

A review of recent articles was disappointing. Several nonprofit organizations have formed and are working hard to do their part, as are many people and officials in New Orleans. But it's difficult not to feel like we as a country and Louisiana as a state failed the people of New Orleans in some major ways. Some neighborhoods have recovered far more than others, and some areas are still struggling to recover some basic services and businesses.

I'd like to start a discussion on what IS going well and how Katrina victims and New Orleans CAN recover from here. We CAN do it -so why aren't we? There is a social justice concern here, and the only way to set it to rest is to work with everyone and every area in a fair and environmentally sensitive way until the recovery is appropriate. If this happened in your state or city, what would you expect? Should New Orleans be rebuilt 100%? What should be different? How can we help prevent a similar disaster. What is being done that shouldn't and what isn't being done that should?

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