Green Building Community

Insights from a New Green Home - TOMORROW April 29, 2015 5 - 7 pm (Cape Cod)

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Insights from a new green home!
April 29th, 5 - 7 PM
USGBC Cape & Islands Interest Group
No charge, all are welcome, but please RSVP.

Join us to view and learn about this recently completed green home in Sandwich, Massachusetts. Built using structural insulated panels, the home achieved a HERS rating of 26 and includes numerous sustainable features. Learn from the entire team, including the designers, contractor, energy consultant, and homeowners about the 'why' behind the choices made throughout the home.

Sandwich, Massachusetts.
Specific street address to be shared with those who RSVP.

Nicole Goldman, 'g' Green Design Center
Greg DeLory, Greg DeLory Design
Steve Klug, Fine Building & Finish
Bruce Torrey, Building Diagnostics

REFRESHMENTS SPONSOR - 'g' Green Design Center

To rsvp, email: with "Register" as the subject line



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