Green Building Community
Introduction to NEWHAB - the Network for Energy, Water, and Health in Affordable Buildings
Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

I have been pleased to recently discover NEWHAB - the Network for Energy, Water, and Health in Affordable Buildings. That's a long title, and there's a lot of work to do to ensure that everyone has access to an energy efficient and safe home.
I've been saying for quite a while that we really need everyone and every organization to come together to partner in the green building industry and especially for those of us who work in expanding access and information - and conversation. So, even though it might seem odd for one network to actively support another network, it actually isn't. It's what we all need to do. What organization can you support, and what products and services -and ideas - can you champion? Do you have a question? Ask it, and ask where others can also learn from the reply you receive. If we all share, this industry will grow even more rapidly and we can help reduce the impact of the built environment on both planet and people. And as you share more, you'll expand your network and learn more and benefit as well. It's all win-win!
On my own and through Rate It Green, I'll be working to help NEWHAB as I can, in large part by posting and promoting information on affordable, efficient and healthy housing that NEWHAB and its members want promoted more widely.
NEWHAB works to expand healthy, efficient housing for all by leveraging the relationships between individuals, sectors, and policies. NEWHAB does this by:
-Creating a platform and community to share best practices, innovations, and successes
-Connecting people working on policy and projects from multiple sectors (including: Energy, Housing, Water, Health, and Social Justice)
-Focusing on the complex problems we can’t solve alone
-Leveraging our collective influence to change policy
NEWHAB coordinates with other efforts with shared goals including ACEEE, Energy Efficiency for All, Elevate Energy and New Ecology, and NASEO. And... Rate It Green team members will now be supporting NEWHAB as well!
For more information:
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