Green Building Community
Job Opportunity - Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI), Technical Assistance and Social Innovation Specialist:, NY Healthy Homes Project
Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI)
Technical Assistance and Social Innovation Specialist– New York Healthy Homes Project:
Responsibilities Include:
1) Feasibility Research: In collaboration with state agencies and other GHHI staff, the GHHI Technical Assistance and Social Innovation Specialist will research the feasibility of Medicaid reimbursement and other innovative funding mechanisms in the State of New York for healthy homes interventions in properties receiving weatherization and energy efficiency interventions.
2) Pilot Project Design: In collaboration with state agencies and other GHHI staff, the Technical Assistance and Social Innovation Specialist will create a project design for how Medicaid funded healthy homes housing interventions (to reduce asthma episodes, household injuries, lead poisoning) can be integrated with NYSERDA-funded weatherization and energy efficiency interventions and other housing intervention programs specifically in the State of New York to produce comprehensive interventions where home-based environmental health hazards are remediated and energy loss is addressed.
3) Pilot Project Site Implementation: NYSERDA, DOH, HCR, New York State Medicaid and other project partners will be supported by technical assistance from the Technical Assistance and Social Innovation Specialist and other GHHI staff to help in implementing the innovative model in New York Healthy Homes Pilot Project sites.
Other Responsibilities may include but are not limited to:
The GHHI Technical Assistance and Social Innovation Specialist will also provide technical assistance, where appropriate, to organizations around the country that are exploring or implementing the GHHI model as well as the feasibility of Medicaid reimbursement and innovative financing (including Pay For Success) for home-based housing services. The Specialist will be analyzing data from healthcare and housing entities, constructing the financial models, assessing the capacity of organizations to successfully deliver services, and providing reports to GHHI’s funders where applicable. The Specialist will be working with the GHHI team including the President/CEO, Senior Director of Technical Assistance and Legal Services, Vice President of Policy and Innovation, as well as contractors and project partners. The Specialist will work with healthcare entities at the project sites as well as state Medicaid programs and federal agencies as necessary.
1) Technical Assistance: Deliver assistance on green & healthy homes modeling, financial structuring, organizational capacity, service delivery cost modeling, savings projections, policy implications, and risk management to organizations who are working with GHHI on exploring the feasibility of integrating Medicaid and NYSERDA resources. The Specialist will create documents, flow charts and project models for these entities as part of the feasibility research and project design phases.
2) Project Management: Set agendas and facilitate meetings as part of the feasibility research, project design and pilot implementation phases; maintain effective communication and conduct follow up activities with GHHI staff, partners and funders; convene and oversee partner working groups, manage the services being delivered to technical assistance partners, and ensure that roles and responsibilities for all team members are made clear; ensure compliance with all reports and information necessary for public and private funders.
3) Research and Analysis: Identify and leverage models and lessons learned from other innovative financing projects in this emerging field; Review launched and developing transactions around the country; Stay abreast of new tools and approaches to capitalize services; Review similar financial models that might inform project development; Research health payment models and regulations around utilizing Medicaid resources for home-based services.
4) Partnership Development: Work closely with GHHI national staff to develop relationships among federal agencies, philanthropy, local governments, and service providers; develop and advocate for key strategic relationships and partnerships that could bolster GHHI capacity and create new opportunities; produce materials from the innovative financing transaction development and technical assistance work.
5) Other Duties:
• Serve as liaison to New York Healthy Homes project partners
• Deliver presentations, webinars, and trainings on project-related activities
• Help to develop materials and proposals for additional project funding where appropriate
• Researching state and national healthcare payment policies
• Assisting in developing GHHI service delivery protocols and budgets for the New York project
• General assistance with special projects as assigned by the President/CEO as warranted and applicable to advancing professional development
• Actively report monthly progress to the national GHHI staff
Additional Information:
This is a full-time, exempt position. Position includes full benefits package and competitive salary commensurate with education and experience.
GHHI is an equal opportunity employer.
The position reports to the Senior Director of Technical Assistance and Legal Services. Interested candidates should send resume, cover letter and salary history to GHHI’s Department of Human Capital at
For more information and additional responsibilities:
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