Green Building Community

Mass Moving on Up at #3: Top LEED State in the Nation

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) released its national ranking of the top states in the country for LEED green building and Massachusetts is the third state in the nation for 2015. The rankings come at an important time for states looking to reduce their energy use. LEED-certified spaces use less energy and water resources, save money for families, businesses and taxpayers, reduce carbon emissions and create a healthier environment for residents, workers and the larger community.

The annual ranking is developed by analyzing each state in terms of square feet of LEED certified space per state resident. Now in its sixth year, the list highlights states throughout the country that made significant strides in sustainable building design, construction and transformation throughout 2015. Massachusetts certified 112 projects representing 19,850,624 square feet of real estate, or 3.03 square feet per resident, in 2015.

In addition, data from USGBC’s 2015 Green Building Economic Impact Study show LEED construction is expected to support 155,000 total jobs in Massachusetts and have a total impact on GDP of $13.6 billion from 2015-2018.

A few notable projects that certified in Massachusetts in 2015 include:

Boston Logan ConRAC-Phase 1; LEED Gold
Troy Boston; LEED Gold
One Financial Center; LEED Gold
New Douglas Elementary School in Douglas; LEED Silver

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