Green Building Community
Passive House Massachusetts Seeks Executive Director (Part-Time)
Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Passive House Massachusetts Seeks Executive Director (Part-Time)
Using public outreach and education, Passive House Massachusetts seeks to educate the general public about and advance the use of highly energy efficient building construction through the implementation of appropriate standards including, but not limited to, the Passive House standard.
Member Engagement
● Manage timely membership renewals
● Recruit new PH MA members
● Maximize income stream from memberships
● Help coordinate and organize monthly member meetings
● Help with setup of off-site events (i.e., events that don’t happen at the BSA such
as job site tours, etc)
● Keep website up to date with the technical assistance of our web developer
● Work with board members to make connections and cultivate relationships with
key decision makers and policy makers
● Help plan and host our annual symposium. The symposium is a a one day
conference with a keynote speakers and multiple presenters.
● Manage symposium development schedule and agenda
● Solicit symposium sponsors, organize and manage booth space
● Manage board election process to schedule; help track nominations
● Coordinate with accountant to verify required filings with state and federal
agencies are taken care of
● Coordinate activities and communications with like-minded groups in the Boston
area (NESEA, BSA, USGBC, etc)
● Coordinate activities and communications with other PH groups, in particular in
the New England and Northeast regions
● Cultivate list of sponsors for monthly meetings, for symposium, for website, and
for other events and activities
“Speakers Bureau”
● Reach out to organizations and firms that may want to have a PHMA
representative come speak about Passive House
This is a part-time salaried position, expected to require about eight hours a week. Salary will be in the range of $10,000 a year. Candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to Paul Eldrenkamp at
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