Green Building Community

Position Available: Sustainability Intern, National Geographic

Allison Friedman MA, United States 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Posted by: Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Position Available: Sustainability Intern, National Geographic

Position Available: Sustainability Intern, National Geographic

Summary of Internship
An NGS sustainability intern would support the Society’s efforts to operate sustainably and minimize negative environmental and social impacts of National Geographic products, services, and building operations. This person would assist with our sustainability programs to provide a fresh perspective on their effectiveness. The intern may focus on a particular sustainability aspect such as zero waste, energy savings, reporting, or U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) and intensively evaluate NGS’s approach to that aspect in order to make suggestions for improvements. NGS can provide valuable exposure and experience on the practical application of sustainability theories and standards.

Five Principal Learning Responsibilities
Learn how organizations approach current sustainability and corporate responsibility issues (20%)
Learn how organizations engage employees, partners, and suppliers (20%)
Network with professionals and volunteers in sustainability and corporate responsibility fields within and beyond NGS (20%)
Hone research skills on material sustainability metrics and LEED-EB tracking (20%)
Hone sustainability communication and reporting skills in diverse media formats (20%)

Related Field of Study Required
Undergraduate or graduate studies in Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility or related fields

Knowledge and Skills Required
Passion for sustainability issues and corporate engagement
Ability to work well with and communicate effectively with a diverse group of professionals
Attention to detail and ability to collect data accurately
Ability to work independently as needed, keeping track of multiple tasks
Excellent organizational and creative writing skills
Positive attitude with proactive approach
Proficiency with Mac or PC presentation tools – such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Candidate must be enrolled at an accredited College or University at the time of application.

Internship Program Start and End Dates
Start Date: Monday, June 5, 2017
End Date: Friday, August 11, 2017

Application Deadline
Deadline to apply is April 21, 2017

Offers will go out no later than May 12, 2017

Responsibility percentages may vary depending on business needs.

National Geographic's headquarters is located in the heart of Washington, D.C. In addition to a unique and dynamic work environment, National Geographic offers its employees a comprehensive benefits package, including health and dental benefits, generous vacation and leave time, a 401(k) plan, and flexible work options. Please visit our careers site at to view this job as well as our full listing of career opportunities. National Geographic is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

For more information:



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