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Clean Surfaces - Bringing CASPR (Continuous Air & Surface Pathogen Reduction) to Hospitals, and Homes, Offices, Facilities & Schools

Rate It Green Team 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 6 Group posts

Posted by: Rate It Green Team

Brett Duffy with Clean Surfaces recently shared a helpful introduction to CASPR Group’s "hands-free” disinfecting technology with Rate It Green’s Matt Hoots. Clean Surfaces is a distributor for CASPR Group, where CASPR stands for Continuous Air & Surface Pathogen Reduction.  Once available only in hospitals, CASPR is now also available for home and office use.  This expansion was already in progress in late 2019, but the company was able to beat initial schedule goals in response to the urgency of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Non-medical applications have included: aviation facilities, hospitality/entertainment, fitness spaces, offices/government agencies, and schools. 

Clearly, pathogens and how they spread in our environment has become a most urgent topic over the last year, but health and public health professionals have already been working on disinfectant solutions to address and mitigate air transmission, high touch surfaces and human to human contact. Brett explains that disinfecting means using a disinfectant to destroy, inactivate, or significantly reduce pathogenic agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.  Most solutions other than UV light include some type of oxidant to destroy pathogens. Additional solutions include: 

  • Chemical solutions
  • Electrostatic spraying
  • UV Wanding
  • UV Robots
  • UV Lights
  • Air Purification Bipolar Ionization

Each process has it’s own unique benefits and challenges, but commonalities include: 

  • Effective for a finite period of time after application
  • Reliant on proper application - dwell time (time to apply) and dose 
  • Only works on either air or surfaces, but not both 
  • Spaces required to be vacated for application 
  • Dangerous if improperly handled or operated
  • Can create by products, including ozone
  • Can leave residue that can create other hazards, like slippery floors 

As an example of proper application and dwell time, Brett reviews that Lysol is supposed to sit for ten minutes to effectively disinfect….  So if we’re not all doing this, then we are not even getting the full potential benefit of the solution! 

Many technologies that create oxidation molecules effectively or effectively disinfect the air also create harmful ozone.  Instead, CASPR uses hydrogen peroxide.  Additionally, CASPR doesn't build residue, as the hydrogen peroxide is not a spray and works at the molecular level, and disperses naturally.  Brett explains a great way to think about dispersion (think of shower steam moving throughout a room), and he walks through a successful test of an ares that might not normally get cleaned.  

CASPR removes the human element from application and addresses all of the above challenges.  The system uses a catalytic process to take moisture that is naturally in the air (humans are comfortable at about 5% or more) and convert it to oxidation molecules that effectively kill 99.96% of the bacteria, viruses, and mold in the air and on all of the surfaces in a space.  Within the unit, a UV light activates a proprietary treatment and causes a reaction that creates hydrogen peroxide molecules without creating ozone as a byproduct.  The hydrogen peroxide molecules then disperse throughout the facility, covering all of the air and surfaces.  

Brett shares an introduction to CASPR’s testing data and recent awards, he walks through some specific tests, and he also reviews some example client locations from quite a few industry segments.  If you are interested in learning more about this technology, his review and visuals are worth a listen, and a watch.  The company has done its own testing, has hired independent laboratories, and meets OSHA’s requirements for hydrogen peroxide and ozone.  With once exception (an away setting on a specific unit intended for areas with heavy odors such as cigarettes, so no one will be present in the space), the devices do not produce harmful ozone. Hydrogen peroxide levels have been found to be less than in the ambient air outside.  The manufacturing facilities are also registered with the EPA.  

One real world test was run by an employee in a petri dish on the back of the office building toilet.  The results are impressive but the problem is, now one might not want to use an office bathroom!

According to Brett, CASPR’s natural catalytic converter. 

  • Kills/reduces all pathogens
  • Continually disinfects the ai
  • Continually blankets and disinfects all surfaces
  • Runs 24/7 without an operator or chemicals - no reloading 
  • Minimal maintenance every 18-24 months

In contrast, with UV Lights and Hydrogen Misters:

  • Do not provide continuous pathogen reduction 
  • Are not safe for use in occupied spaces
  • Disrupt clinical areas
  • Do not continuously eliminate odors
  • Require an operator
  • Require capital expenditures
  • Involve sensitive use parameters

Interestingly, hydrogen peroxide also helps with odor reduction and has proven particularly helpful in veterinary facilities where the company has installed devices.  

The company produces in-duct units, a compact mobile unit which can plug into a standard outlet and disinfect approximately 1500sf, and even a unit that fits into EMS vehicles.  

It’s important to note that CASPR is not an air filter - it’s not for particulates and allergens.  It kills, or really deactivates bacteria, viruses and fungi in air and surfaces.  Therefore, Brett also recommends the use of a high quality air filtration solution.  He also recommends proper sanitizing procedures and masks and other safety equipment with regard to COVID-19.  While CASPR can greatly reduce risks, dispersion is continuous and not instant and directed.  So with the device on, someone who sneezes, coughs or touches a high-touch surface and/or then passes an object can still cause some harm. However, a continuous background solution is always working to reduce and eliminate pathogen risk.  

What are your top disinfection concerns and questions?  What questions do you have about how CASPR, or Continuous Air & Surface Pathogen Reduction, works?  Let us know, and we will work to get you the answers! 

BrettDuffy Decatur, GA, united-states 0 Ratings 0 Discussions 0 Group posts

BrettDuffy // Sales Leader

This is a great write up and I am so happy to have become a member of this great community here on Rate-it-Green. Thank you for giving me my 15 seconds of fame here:) I truly believe that a natural solution to disinfection is the way to go in most environments and can help us reduce the spread of not just COVID19, but so many other dangerous and less-lethal pathogens including the common cold. I think this pandemic has really made more people pay attention to the germs around us, but if we can continue to be more diligent about minimizing them, we will be better off for it. I hope people will let us proudly protect their environments for them.

Allison Friedman Weston, MA, united-states 0 Ratings 105 Discussions 131 Group posts

Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

It's terrific to have you and Clean Surfaces here, Brett - and thanks for making a really informative video! I look forward to exciting conversations about disinfecting where we can help you get the word out and make a difference - and answer people's questions as well. The attention is definitely higher for germs and public health generally, but there is still so much many of us do not know. Thanks for being here to help inform us all!

On: 12/16/2020 BrettDuffy wrote:

This is a great write up and I am so happy to have become a member of this great community here on Rate-it-Green. Thank you for giving me my 15 seconds of fame here:) I truly believe that a natural solution to disinfection is the way to go in most en…

BrettDuffy Decatur, GA, united-states 0 Ratings 0 Discussions 0 Group posts

BrettDuffy // Sales Leader

Update: We just got test results back from the University of Wisconsin showing a 99.991% effectiveness against the COVID19 virus in under 3 hours! I love working with products that are proven in science.

On: 12/17/2020 Allison Friedman wrote:

It's terrific to have you and Clean Surfaces here, Brett - and thanks for making a really informative video! I look forward to exciting conversations about disinfecting where we can help you get the word out and make a difference - and answer people…


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