Green Building Community
Electric Vehicles need to be powered by Solar (not Coal) to be green
Posted by: SawHorse, Inc. // SawHorse Design + Build
Electric Vehicles are NOT sustainable.
The argument that Electric Vehicles are not sustainable is only partly true. Depending on where you live, they can be powered by electricity created by fossil fuels. However, that is a lazy argument regurgitated from propaganda created by fossil fuel companies. You can easily add solar to your home or business and have net-zero energy vehicles. They know this but conveniently leave that fact out.
In the interview above, Pearson Kilgore, a solar installer in Atlanta, GA, mentions that solar power can work 24/ 7 now.
Solar Power can be used at night.
You install batteries that store the excess energy not used first the day when the panels are collecting energy from the sun. When you need power in the evening, you use the power from the batteries. Any excess power can go back into the grid for a profit.
This helps you save more money faster since the rates you buy power are typically more expensive than the wholesale rates the power provider pays for your excess power.
The payback depends on the rate in your location.
Be selfish with your decisions.
It is okay to be selfish with your solar. We all benefit if you only want to take care of yourself and your family. Keep your power and use it instead of fossil fuels. We all get to breathe cleaner air as a result.
If everyone were selfish and only thought of themselves (regarding solar), then climate change would not even be an issue.
Clean energy should not be a left or right issue. Suppose you want to stop climate change- fine. Suppose you want to go off the grid and stick it to the man- fine. Regardless of your motives, we all benefit from clean, renewable energy.
Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin
There are so many win-wins to be had! I can't wait until our EV can power our house. I'd love solar, but we face West and have a ton of tree canopy here (we're looking into geothermal!) Thanks for all the myth-busting - much appreciated.
I was happy to see this article/study (|facebook&par=sharebar&fbclid=IwAR3GTEN2cguCK2mPRRcH6pHE0xFiikf4JdeqRItt-80kDfqtCTE4i8NPNhk) that looked at the cost to add 100 miles to an EV on the road versus using gas. Good news - electric driving is still cheaper, even in Boston and San Francisco!
Plus this: "Jeffries analyst David Kelley recently calculated that the total lifetime cost of ownership of an EV is about $4,700 less than that of an internal-combustion vehicle. He said that cost difference is likely to increase as more EVs come to market — and as battery prices continue to fall — over the next couple of years."

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