Green Building Community
Radon Gas Mitigation in New Construction - A Chance to Get it Right
Posted by: Stego Industries, LLC // Manufaturer

Sub-slab soil vapor migration into building envelopes can pose a real threat to the longevity of building materials (i.e. flooring materials), affect energy efficiency, as well as impact indoor air quality and human health. Perhaps one of the most prevalent and discussed sub-slab soil vapor concerns is radon gas. Although building code and jurisdictional requirements are well understood, in terms of how to mitigate radon gas, it seems one important component (the soil-gas retarder or vapor barrier) may necessitate some further discussion in the industry. What can we do in the long-term to ensure every new structure we build is protected? The article here may provide a useful starting point for home builders, design professionals, homeowners, and many others with regards to the vapor barrier in radon mitigation system:
Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin
Thanks - I didn't know that 1 in every 5 homes and 1 in every 15 schools are affected - that's incredible. I also didn't know that there really isn't a safe level of radon. If everyone knew this information, it seems we would do so much more. And it seems the ideal time to address this concern is pre construction. We are lucky that our radon test came up negative (though I heard this can change over time and shouldn't be counted on). That is not true for everyone in our town, as we have a lot of ledge, which is apparently often associated with radon? So I think we need to address radon both pre and post construction (when it's already too late for idea solutions).
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